PinnedLester GoldeninThe National DiscussionHow to stop the plutocracy game: index the top 1%’s tax rates to decreasing inequalityAnother way to use the tax system to attack inequality and the incentives for wage suppression: index the tax rates on the top 1% of…Jun 25, 20206Jun 25, 20206
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Lester GoldenThe UN, the EU and the US want to subject Israel to another risky experiment in land for peace…Just nowJust now
Lester GoldenHold these two contradictory thoughts in your head simultaneously:#1: The two state solution is dead.19h ago119h ago1
Lester GoldenThe probability of a Palestinian state not being a launchpad for terror without first deprogramming…Watch how they respond to Corey Gil-Shuster's Ask Project questions about what happens to the Jews if you get your state. Some say…20h ago20h ago
Lester GoldenThe sine qua non of your solution is taking Dr. Einat Wilf's challenge to Palestinians:“What I need to hear from a Palestinian is this: the Jewish people, as a people, have the equal right to self-determination in this land…20h ago120h ago1
Lester GoldenWhat you ignore: the conflict isn't a land dispute.Nobody has yet taken down Dr. Einat Wilf's challenge to find ONE Palestinian who will say this:20h ago120h ago1