Your neighbors should have a lien on their house as an epidemiological performance bond to guarantee that they, and nobody else, will pay the costs of their choice and put up the collateral for endangering others by that choice. We're in a pandemic of the unvaccinated because of vaxxholes like this. Like good conservatives, let them take personal responsibility for their choice: cancelled health insurance because they raise premiums for everyone else, no Medicare, no Medicaid and they pay the medical costs of the non-COVID patients whose ICU beds they occupied due to their choice. I'm locked down and locked out of basketball, tennis, social life and restaurants due to idiotic disinformation (often from Russian media) Vaxxholes like this here,. Vaccination is a COLLECTIVE public health question, not a personal choice issue. The American Supreme Court ruled in favor of vaccine mandates and this very basic idea 100 years ago. As a citizen your neighbors have responsibilities as well as rights. As irresponsible medical illiterates, they should bear 100% of the financial cost of their choice, which is easily verifiable through South Korean levels of contact tracing. If they infected anyone while unvaccinated, foreclose on their house if they don't have enough equity to pay for the care costs of that infection or infections. This is simple justice and and fair play.