Your inference here:
"Given that this 15-day period falls within a period of the conflict that reporting indicated was very intense, specifically Israeli bombardment, it seems reasonable to expect that this would increase at a fairly consistent rate."
is nonsense. Combat is always asymmetrical and uneven. The GHM's artificially smooth increase = Twainian damn lies stat fraud.
"As long as bombs are dropped, and people are killed, the next bar in this series will always be higher than the next."
--The DSSG statisticians' charts showing the GHM bringing male combatants back to life to increase the number of women and children killed indicate fraud. Your inference is untenable and sufficient evidence to validate Wyner and the DSSG statisticians' inferences over yours.
"Case in point, 53 schools have been totally destroyed, and another 212 directly hit with ordinance."
--All of them had Hamas tunnels and/or weapons stored, rendering them no longer "undefended" under the UN statute. There's no Hamas equivalent to IDF unit 504 that calls and sends SMS to Gazans to warn them they're in a targeted building.
You also ignore IDF soldiers' testimony that they never enter any buildings that don't have either weapons, booby traps or tunnel entrances, especially in children's bedrooms. Again the UN statute's "undefended" clause kicks in here, nullifying the ICJ case against Israel even if the GHM figures were true. But since Hamas fired the GHM as statisticians and pivoted to reporting "reliable media sources", including the Al Jazeera "journalists" that held hostages and falsely reported the IDF raping Gazan women, I guess we should just trust those "media sources" of casualties that replaced the GHM.
"We also ought to critique Israel’s continued assault on the healthcare system in Gaza as it is that system that is responsible for reporting this information. Destroying that system is not only a war crime,"--Evidently your ignorance of the UN statute on war crimes is total since you don't think Hamas' use of hospitals to store weapons, move hostages and build tunnels under is the real war crime. Read the statute.
"Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;"
Transforming a civilian object into a military one is the real war crime. Evidently you haven't heard Hamas politburo member Yarmouk say "the tunnels are for the fighters, not civilians" and "the aid is for the fighters, what's left is for civilians."
That you're writing about this conflict and not about Muslim-Muslim mass murder in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Darfur exposes your anti-semitic double standards, which ignore that the civilian to combatant death ratio of the IDF is the lowest of any urban conflict (compare to the 2016 siege of Mosul, which elicited zero protests worldwide). Why the deafening silence about other conflicts? As usual, it's no Jews, = no news.