Your David Irving Award for Holocaust denial in real time is instact. So is your diploma from the Kellyanne Conway Masters Program in Alternative Facts. The IDF video shown to journalists comes from Hamas' own GoPros. It's real evidence.
Muslim physician Dr. Qanta Ahmed's forensic evidence is as "neutral" as you asked for. Your demand for "neutral" implies all Jews are liars whose testimony is automatically disqualified as not credible, like a dhimmitude Islamic court proceeding. We know where your jizya version of testimony valuation leads.
So for you and all the other anti-semites who believe Jews are liars the survivor who testified to the necrophilic rape and breast amputation SHE SAW from hiding is a liar.
And the forensic evidence of the father who had his eyes gouged out in front of his sons? Also a lie?
But since you want forensic evidence: