You misinterpreted the article. Propositions #1 and #2 are both right. They are also both wrong. This paradox is what makes the conflict irreconcilable. To move it to reconcilable what must happen? The Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza must renounce their century-long refusal to recognize Jewish equality in sovereignty--and since 1949--return. They must trade this delusion in for statehood alongside a Jewish state Israel. This is the sine qua non of peace that in 1937, 1939, 1945, 1947-49, 1967, 1979, 2000-01, 2008, 2014 they repeatedly refused to acknowledge.
Israel repeatedly traded land for peace, without getting true Abraham Accords peace. The Sinai in 1979 for a cold peace with Egypt (murdered Israeli tourists, the Protocols displayed in Alexandria's library), 1994 for a cold peace with Jordan (Jordanian lawyers disbarred and writers banned for visiting Israel). The latest is withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, which brought renewed wars and a blockade that wasn't there when Israel occupied it.
The Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza have turned to Iran and its proxies in a hope to surround Israel with a 3Hs (Hamas, Hizbullah, Houthis) "ring of fire" . Until this regionalization of their War of Return is utterly crushed and defeated, Proposition #1 will remain correct. If Israel has no security, the so-called tactically invented Palestinians get no state.
If Israeli peacenik lefties like Corey Gil-Shuster have no illusions that a new Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza wouldn't instantly start firing rockets all over Israel, the mystery is why the global wokerati left you belong to thinks otherwise despite all available evidence to the contrary. For a century mandatory and then post-Israel independence Arabs have said with numbing broken record consistency exactly what they want to do to Palestine's Jews: deport and/or exterminate. Until that changes #1 will be right and #2 impossible. This is what you're utterly deaf to.
Any association of Israel with South African apartheid is nothing but blood libel.