You don't care about Palestinians or Israeli Arabs:
Assad killed thousands of Palestinians and you're deafeningly silent. Why? Because it's not Jews killing them.
Lebanon bans Palestinians from buying land, being doctors and other professions, and you're deafeningly silent. Why? Because it's not Jews oppressing Palestinians, but other Arabs.
Israeli Arabs are half of all doctors and 2/3 of all pharmacists. This is apartheid?
Israeli Arab leader Mansour Abbas would disagree. So would Stanford MBA and electrical engineer Sophia Khalifa, daughter of an illiterate Bedouin single mother, who said, "Israel gave me everything" (
and TV presenter Lucy Aharhysh, married to the Fauda TV series star and mother of a Muslim-Jewish son. Sound like apartheid?
Or watch these interviews with Israeli Arabs by the Ask Project's Corey Gil-Shuster:
They don't think so.
What you want in denying Jewish sovereignty is dhimmitude status restoration, so Jews return to the 13 centuries of being meek, weak, pogromed and persecuted. When Israel was founded the Arabs had a choice: keep most of their 851000 Jews at home (Baghdad, with a 25 century old Jewish community at the time of the murderous Nazi-inspired Farhud pogrom in 1941, was 30% Jewish in 1930) without dhimmitude or to have dhimmitude without Jews. They chose the latter.
The Quran said the Jews would return. Live with it.
The Palestinians' endless War of Return will end only when they finally recognize that they must choose between statehood and their War of Return, but they can't have both. Listen to Einat Wilf:
“I always tell them I’ve made it so easy to take me down. My argument is so vulnerable to a takeown precisely because I insist on this broad argument…If you think I’m wrong, go bring me a Palestinian who publicly and in their own voice, because of westsplaining I refuse to have any westerner or Israeli who tells me I know such Palestinians. No, no, no the only thing that matters is what they say openly, publicly and in their own voice. And it has to be clear:
Wilf’s “constructive specificity” challenge has yet to be taken down. This is because no Palestinian, except for Son of Hamas founder Mosab Hassan Youssef and peace activist/dissident Bassem Eid, is ready to openly and publicly and specifically renounce return for statehood:
“What I need to hear from a Palestinian is this: the Jewish people, as a people, have the equal right to self-determination in this land which is also their homeland. I know that this means that we can build a state of Palestine next to the Jewish state of Israel and not instead of it. I understand that this means that living in Gaza and the West Bank I am not a refugee from Palestine. This means I do not possess a right of return into the sovereign state of Israel. I only want to build a prosperous state of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank and nowhere else. And I always tell them go bring me one….and no one ever does. And just to be clear, it’s not that I’m sitting and saying, oh look at me you know no one ever comes back. As I said, as a long-term peace activist I’m looking for these voices.”
In 1937, 1939, 1945, 1947, 1948, 1967, 1979, 2000–01, 2008 the Palestinians rejected partition plans or decided to go to war against shared separate sovereignty in the land that Jews accepted.
So far Ernest Bevin is still as right as he was in 1947: "The highest point of principle for the Jews is to have a state. The highest point of principle for the Arabs is that the Jews not have a state."
As long as people like live deluded that history has a reverse gear and that the ex-dhimmi uppity Jews can be sent back to Muslim supremacist dhimmitude, the war will continue.