You do yourself no favors with evidence-free belligerant accusations about what I do or do not care about in response to a simple fact check about "the tanking US dollar" in your article. (But here's an example of what I care about:
"The tanking USD and global dominance...." is from your article, not someone else's. Telling me and your readers that you didn't write what you clearly did puts you in Trumpian and Fox News reality-denial territory. Simply checking the US$'s chart would have avoided publication of this falsehood. You wrote it. It's false. Admit it.
Same point for the California energy crisis, which began before Bush 2 took power.
Bush was blameworthy for many turbocapitalist sins. But the post 1981 deregulatory push from guzzling from the free market fable keg was a bipartisan bender. That's why I wrote about the Clinton-era reform to accounting regulations. You may dismiss as technocratic tinkering the institutional and regulatory plumbing of the financial system...until you see how ferociously corporate America lobbies for it.
If you really want to stop the plutocracy game you wrote about, tax it:
But if you prefer to limit your writing to the emotional rewards of complaint instead of devising actual policy solutions that move the needle in the direction you want, I understand.