With private insurance in Latvia care is excellent with low co-pays no witing. My insurance costs 300 euros/year. Most Latvians can afford this insurance.
I'm fortunate to not live in the American system where it would cost $20-30k due to American health care's combination of capitalism with no free market and socialism with no planning. Insurance cartels regulated only at the state not the federal level, big insurance stranglehold on Congress, Medicare not being permitted to negotiate bulk discounts with big pharma.....etc. The market failures of the US health care system is a long course I can't give you here. Suffice it to say that Kenneth Arrow won the Nobel in economics with his landmark 9 page article proving that medical markets are prone to failure due to asymmetry of information. https://nintil.com/kenneth-arrow-on-the-welfare-economics-of-medical-care-a-critical-assessment/ . You can express evidence-free opinions about health care policy, but without reading this and other policy research they would be just opinions uninformed by facts. I've read some of the policy literature and done the research--either by reading or by living in different health care systems-- about how the health systems of Taiwan (https://www.vox.com/health-care/2020/1/13/21028702/medicare-for-all-taiwan-health-insurance), Italy, France, Spain and Latvia work. So you might opt to trust the fruits of my experience and research.
Innovation argument: Novartis and Roche are Swiss, Glaxo British, Biontech German, AstraZeneca, British-Swedish, Novo Nordisk Danish.
Arrow proved medical markets always fail. Hippocrates never meets Adam Smith. Your libertarian dream is delusional.