Some shredding for you about where the real apartheid is: in Islam’s treatment of Jews and Christians? Not in Israel.
Listen to Sophia Khalifa, daughter of an illiterate Bedouin mother who got a Masters in electrical engineering degree from Tel Aviv university and an MBA from Stanford: She said that Arab students were given 15% more time on exams than Jewish students because Hebrew isn't their first language. So Israel actually practices the affirmative action for its Arab population that the US Supreme Court just made illegal.
Listen to these Israeli Arabs respond to "which would you prefer to live under, an Israeli or a Palestinian government?" (from The Ask Project, Cory Gil-Shuster:"
In Muslim countries where Jews living in Koranically mandated dhimmitude were treated like blacks in the pre-civil rights South. Listen to this Cornell student describe how her mother was called a "dirty Jew" for drinking from the same water fountain as Muslims in Iran. , behavior reminiscent of the American South.
Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen and Iraq all from 10000 to 150000 Jews in 1940. Now their Jewish populations vary from 0 to 50. The pro-Nazi Farhud pogrom in Baghdad in 1941 erased any possibility of Jews living in Iraq in the future. Christian communities in Muslim have been decimated more slowly and less completely, but the trend is the same. Read Hamas' proclamations of Islamic supremacy that will prevail in their imagined Palestinian state, and you can easily guess what awaits Palestinian Christians such as Hanan Ashwari--nothing less than the kind of oppressive apartheid that South African blacks lived under, minus the pass system.
The Jews of Yemen lived under Koranically mandated legal disabillities that made emigration to Israel imperative:
“Under the Zaydi rule, the Jews were considered to be impure and therefore forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim’s food. They were obligated to humble themselves before a Muslim, to walk to the left side, and greet him first. They could not build houses higher than a Muslim’s or ride a camel or horse, and when riding on a mule or a donkey, they had to sit sideways. Upon entering the Muslim quarter a Jew had to take off his foot-gear and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by youth, a Jew was not allowed to fight them. In such situations, he had the option of fleeing or seeking intervention by a merciful Muslim passerby.[67]”…In 1922, the government of Yemen, under Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din, re-introduced an ancient Islamic law entitled the “orphans decree”. The law dictated that if Jewish boys or girls under the age of 12 were orphaned, they were to be forcibly converted to Islam, their connections to their families and communities were to be severed, and they had to be handed over to Muslim foster families. The rule was based on the law that the prophet Muhammad is “the father of the orphans”, and on the fact that the Jews in Yemen were considered “under protection”, and the ruler was obligated to care for them.[79] The Jews tried to prevent the conversion of orphans in two main ways, which were by marrying them so the authorities would consider them as adults, or by smuggling them out of the country.”
Few of Iran's Jews concluded the same before the overthrow of the Shah brought a rabidly anti-semitic Islamofascist theocracy to power.
As always, projection about apartheid is really a confession by the Muslims who accuse Israel of practicing what they have in Koranically codified form for 1400 years.