What you ignore: the conflict isn't a land dispute. Land for peace, already tried, won't solve it since it's a conflict over sovereignty. The Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza, now called by the tactically invented name "Palestinians" have repeatedly rejected Jewish sovereignty in ANY part of the land--"even the size of a table cloth"--as the 1937 British mandatory government Peel Commission report said. They've consistently chosen an endless war against Jewish sovereignty and then a War of Return over statehood, starting with their revolt of 1936-39 and rejection of their own state in 1947-49. They've also said so in thousands of interviews done by Corey Gil-Shuster's The Ask Project, in umpteen surveys by the PSPR and in thousands of videos on PATV you can view on https://palwatch.org.
Nobody has yet taken down Dr. Einat Wilf's challenge to find ONE Palestinian who will say this:
“What I need to hear from a Palestinian is this: the Jewish people, as a people, have the equal right to self-determination in this land which is also their homeland. I know that this means that we can build a state of Palestine next to the Jewish state of Israel and not instead of it. I understand that this means that living in Gaza and the West Bank I am not a refugee from Palestine. This means I do not possess a right of return into the sovereign state of Israel. I only want to build a prosperous state of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank and nowhere else. And I always tell them go bring me one….and no one ever does. And just to be clear, it’s not that I’m sitting and saying, oh look at me you know no one ever comes back. As I said, as a long-term peace activist I’m looking for these voices.”
She tells us that peace in the Middle East won’t come from “constructive ambiguity,” but from “constructive specificity.” Her former boss Shimon Peres was wrong when he said peacemaking, “like making love, is best done partially in the dark.” Her challenge is the only way to turn the lights on.
-Arafat ("the Palestinian people have no national identity")
-and his buddy Zuheir Mohsen ("Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons"),
-King Hussein ("Jordan is Palestine, Palestine is Jordan")
-Hamas leader Fathi Hammad ("half the Palestinians are Egyptian and half are Saudi").