Unlike gene-obsessed Nazi Trump, I don't consider genetic inheritance to be a factor in entrepreneurial success. My two younger brothers and I share genes and they are far wealthier than I am. They simply had a far stronger work ethic. All three of us are equally talented at what we do/did. I have great admiration for their work ethic, and have absolutely no attention of imitating it.
"an efficient economy does not create billionaires": Thomas Piketty ID-ed this problem in Capital in the 21st Century: the gap between returns on labor and capital, when compounded over time concentrates wealth to an unsustainable level. https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/youre-not-a-capitalist-until-84870880fbf0
The solution is to inversely index a wealth tax, which my partners in Amsterdam and Switzerland already pay, to the Gini coefficient. I would naturally be very happy to become rich enough to pay it: