Lester Golden
9 min readOct 22, 2023


To his work as a one man Russian troll farm Mr. Dunn has added a new job title: one man anti-semitic blood libelist, concluding without evidence that Israel bombed the hospital. Accusing Jews of killing gentile children has a long and blood-soaked history which he's now subscribed to. He blood libels Israel despite Hamas' openly declared policy of using human shields, locating command posts and weapons in hospitals, schools and UN aid stations. How do we know? They openly say so: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXZEzbT0H1s

It's Hamas' strategy of human sacrifice and martyrdom to turn hospitals and schools into military targets.

"But Hamas isn’t acting in a vacuum. That attack was not unprovoked."--Gaza hasn't been occupied since 2005. Hamas chose to use stolen aid money pipes and cement to build tunnels and rockets instead of housing and water systems because its Islamist-inspired charter mandated this choice. Palestinian peace activist Bassam Eid tells us the true story: “Israel defends people with rockets. Hamas uses people to defend rockets”

Eid says we must understand Hamas as a criminal gang holding Gazans hostage and follow the money to see through the pseudo-revolutionary Islamist smokescreen:

Hamas has no ability and in fact no desire to govern. The water isn’t safe to drink, the power goes out for hours at a time, raw sewage washes up on your beaches. The Israelis are not responsible for these dismal failures. Hamas is and everybody in Gaza knows it.

It is Hamas that steals the imported cement meant to build houses for you and uses it instead to build a massive network of tunnels from which its hopes to terrorize Israelis.

It is Hamas that makes sure humanitarian aid meant for you is diverted to its favored elites who then sell it for a profit on the black market.

Think about the even greater number of Palestinians who are now homeless in Gaza because Hamas choose to hide weapons in residential buildings.

Some of the Hamas missiles that Israeli Defense Forces failed to intercept ended up exploding in places like Jaffa, Nablus and Lod where Arab Israelis live. Palestinians living in Israel are as likely to be killed as Israelis themselves. Hamas couldn’t care less.

When naive American and European NGOs offer millions to rebuild Gaza who do you think will get that money? It won’t be the people who really deserve it and need it….(but) the leaders of the Hamas gang and their friends, who will add new rooms to their fancy villas rather than rebuild homes, purchase Corona virus vaccines or provide social services for their people.

The peace which could have been possible when Israel withdrew entirely from the Gaza Strip in 2005 will be even further out of reach. Hamas robbed you of that chance when it set up its military gang. Then it’s robbing you of the same chance now no matter how many Jews it managed to kill. Hamas will never be satisfied, it will never stop lying but you can stop believing its lies.”

"but the cultural conflict has been in progress since 1948"--How about since the Arab conquest of 637 CE. Koranic doctrine says Jews must live in the Dar al Dhimmi, the world of the outsiders, which resembles the American South's Jim Crow race terror regime + arbitrary and extortionate collective poll taxes. Periodic pogroms and mass murder were always part of the package. It's why the Jewish doctor and philosopher Maimonides had to move around so much. Was medieval Morocco a better deal than medieval Mainz? Certainly? Was it a bed of roses? Only if you think being black in 1920s Chicago was compared to Mississippi.

Is peace possible really feasible when one side dreams of "free Palestine from the river to the sea" (see the transcripts of video interviews of Palestinians below).

Or have you forgotten that Hamas' charter calls for the elimination of the "Zionist entity" and the extermination of its population. Calling for negotiation with Hamas is like asking the Jews of 1943 Warsaw to negotiate with the Germans. The difference between then and now is that Jews can now defend themselves.

Fatah has accepted Israel's existence--provisionally. Learn the difference in Arabic between salaam--peace--and hudna--truce. Arafat signed a hudna in 1993, not salaam. How do we know? He said so:

“Since we cannot defeat Israel in war, we do this in stages. We take any and every territory that we can of Palestine, and establish a sovereignty there, and we use it as a springboard to take more. When the time comes, we can get the Arab nations to join us for the final blow against Israel.”

From https://medium.com/illumination-curated/palestine-israel-slogan-demolition-and-1712e39e9c1d:

December 23, 2000–January 2, 2001: Israel accepts and Arafat rejects the Clinton Parameters: 94–96% of contiguous territory in the West Bank and 100% of Gaza, compensated by land swaps elsewhere + an East Jerusalem Palestinian capital comprised of Arab areas with sovereignty over the Dome of the Rock. As in 1937 and 1948, same old story: Arabs say no to a Jewish yes:

“Clinton asked each side for a yes or no response by December 27th. It was made clear that a “yes” meant agreement within the Parameters and that a non-response, a maybe, or acceptance outside the Parameters would all be considered rejections. Clinton presented the Parameters as take-it-or-leave it, and if not accepted, they would all be off the table once Clinton left office on January 20, 2001.

“Arafat’s negotiating team’s) memo specifically clarified that the return the Palestinians demand is to “‘their homes,’ wherever located — not to their ‘homeland’ or to ‘historic Palestine.’” The memo further…rejected defining the new Palestinian state as “the homeland of the Palestinian people” because “this nullifies the right of return.” Finally, the memo enshrined the Palestinian rejection that a Jewish Temple ever existed: “In the first formulation regarding the Haram, accepting that the Western Wall is a part of either ‘the space sacred to Judaism’ or ‘the Holy of Holies’ will amount to implicit recognition that the Temple lies under the Haram.”

As Israel’s Foreign Minister in 1966–74, Abba Eban said, “the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”. Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar, said the same thing differently to Arafat after the PLO leader lied when Bandar asked him if he’d said yes to the Clinton deal:

““I hope you remember, sir, what I told you. If we lose this opportunity, it is not going to be a tragedy. This is going to be a crime.” …”I wanted to cry, my heart was burning at how the opportunity was lost again and perhaps for the last time…”

To ascertain the degree to which ordinary Palestinians support Hamas' war aims, watch Cory Gil-Shuster's The Ask Project video interviews of ordinary Palestinians who say what they want from the Oslo accords. Transcripts in here:


and here:

Question 1: Would you make peace with Israel if it left the West Bank and Gaza entirely? Sample answers (not sampling error):

Ahmad, Jericho: “There will be peace when the Zionists leave all of historic Palestine. Palestine is owned by the Muslims and the Christians.”

Nizar, Nablus: “Of course. All people in this country want peace. We don’t want war.”

Mohammad, Nablus: “The land is originally ours. It’s all ours. There is no dividing.

CG-S: So if the solution was two states, you wouldn’t accept it?

Mohammad: “That wouldn’t work. How would it work? Two states won’t work.”

Shuruk and Nadine, from Sarif and Dahariye (in Hebron): “No.

CG-S: Why not?

Nadine: “How can we forget all the things they did?

CG-S: How did France forget about Germany? Poland about Russia?

Nadine: I don’t have the right to say if I forgive them or not. We lost their homes here.

CG-S: We’re in Hebron, BTW.

Shuruk: It’s like the right of return. Would you give up the right of return? You can’t ask that of someone (who was a refugee) Yes. Yes.

Nadine: We live here, but a lot of Palestinians are refugees…

CG-S: But I’m asking you as a person. Would you make peace with Israel if the West Bank and Gaza became Palestine? Just you. You would accept it.

Nadine: If they leave us alone and go out absolutely and never, never, never take our land.

CG-S: Meaning they live in Israel and you live in Palestine?

Nadine: No, there is no Israel.

CG-S: Wait, so they have to leave everything? They have to leave Tel Aviv, Jaffa? Haifa?

Nadine: Yes. It’s Tel Aviv. It’s Tel Arabiya. It’s our land and they took it.

CG-S: So the only way you’ll make peace with Israelis is if they leave Israel completely?

Nadine: Yes. That’s the reality. I can’t forgive them. We come back to that part.


Can There Be a Two State Solution?

Ahmad, Ramallah:

CG-S: So there could be two states?

Ahmad: Well, Israel is not a state to call it a two state solution.

CG-S: So, once Israel leaves the West Bank and Gaza, what is Israel?

Ahmad: Israel is a people from all over the world. Here it is Palestine and in Israel it is the inside of Palestine. So they are in our land. It’s our land Palestine. It has no other name.


Raed, Ramallah: Yes, why not, if they left us alone in Palestine.

CG-S: They would still live in Israel.

Raed: Ah, you mean leaving just the West Bank and Gaza? No, no, I don’t accept.

CG-S: You don’t accept peace? Why?

Raed: What about the people they killed before? We have to take their rights.

CG-S: Yeah, but in every war people are killed and when you make peace, you say “okay, it happened.” In every war, every people.

Raed: Yes, but it’s our land. Why give it to Israel?

CG-S: I don’t think you have a choice. What are you going to do?

Raed: I think there is a choice. With time we can have a choice.

CG-S: So what do you think will happen?

Raed: I don’t know actually. But I believe in our people.


Shaim, Ramallah:

CG-S: For you, if Israel left all the West Bank and Gaza and there was Palestine, would there be peace with Israel?

Shaim: Like if they have gone? I don’t think so.

CG-S: For you? Would you accept peace?

Shaim: They will not allow us to have our lives. They want to control everything in our lives. Because they think this is their land and they want us to go away.

CG-S: Hold on. Stop. Let’s say they decide the West Bank and Gaza are Palestine, would there be peace with Israel?

Shaim: For me, I see how they act with Palestinians. There will never be peace between us. They think they are God’s chosen people.

CG-S: But let’s say they agree that this is Palestine.

Shaim: Palestine is…We have our Palestine. West Bank, Gaza and the lands of 1948.

CG-S: So can you give us the lands of ’48 for peace?

Shaim: No.

CG-S: Why?

Shaim: Where are you from?

CG-S: Canada. Yes, I’d give up my land for peace. In a second. Not a problem. You can have it. Take it.

Shaim: You say it. It’s just words. We can’t. It’s our land.And there are a lot of people that got out of the land and they want to come back. They have their homes, their lands.

CG-S: Come back to Haifa? Jaffa? That’s what you mean?

Shaim: It’s home. It’s not up to me. I say I want peace, but I’m living in the West Bank and I have my home. There are a lot of Palestinians that don’t have their homes. They want to come back home. So I can’t decide. They can decide what they want.(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uftxLGWjEKw)

This article is part of a long history of gentile expressing sympathy for dead Jews, but a lot less for live Jews who are capable of defending themselves.

How Palestinians Define “Occupation”

“It took me two to three years to realise the Palestinian understanding of the occupation is different to that of a Canadian living in Tel Aviv. Many Palestinians regard Jaffa and Haifa as occupied too….For example: if the Palestinians I talk to are in favour of one state, I suggest that Jews from France or the U.S. could come and shop in Hebron, because the city is holy to them. Then I get the answer: “No, that‘s impossible, the one state is for us — Palestine is Palestine. But if the Jews want to live under us, that‘s okay.” That is a very mainstream opinion.” (https://en.qantara.de/content/interview-with-ask-project-initiator-corey-gil-shuster-ask-israelis-ask-palestinians-beyond?nopaging=1)

There is one professional Palestinian polling firm that surveys West Bank Palestinians’ opinions. The % of Palestinians who are ready to recognize the Jewish state of Israel is: 3%. The % in Israel ready to recognize a demilitarized independent Palestine approximately according to the Clinton parameters of 2000-01 polled in the 40-50% range BEFORE October 7. Now? Fuhgetaboutit.

But there is no Palestinian counterpart to The Ask Project. This conflict is full of cognitive asymmetries, of which this is just one.

The idea that a customer service de-escalation skill set is applicable to this kind of cognitive asymmetry is narcissistic hubris and beyond ridiculous. And citing a psycho-babblicious academic fraud like Gabor Mate doesn't help his case.



Lester Golden
Lester Golden

Written by Lester Golden

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.

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