This psycho-babblicious reply sees what should be an evidence-based debate through a psychotherapy lens. I was not "distressed" and need no safe spaces since I wasn't brought up by helicopter parents, but Dr Spock. At 18 I hitchhiked all over Europe and at 21 got a fist in the face from a fascist in Valencia while hanging out with friends waving a Catalan flag while it was still banned and Franco's body was still warm.
Mr. Zaffiro evades replying to evidence because I presented too much that proves Jordan Peterson is a drug-addicted self-confessed ignoramus about history and economics as well as a sexual predator who is one of Russia's many appeasing useful idiots on right and left in our dysfunctional political horseshoe. To engage with the evidence would require renouncing the part of his worldview that respects such intellectual bankruptcy. The result: evasive cognitive dissonance that deserves the intellectual contempt of his audience.