This is the sine qua non of peace, from Dr. Einat Wilf, former Israeli Labour Party MK, former negotiator with the PLO for Shimon Peres. Here’s what we needs to hear to prove the two state solution isn't dead (from:
“What I need to hear from a Palestinian is this: the Jewish people, as a people, have the equal right to self-determination in this land which is also their homeland. I know that this means that we can build a state of Palestine next to the Jewish state of Israel and not instead of it. I understand that this means that living in Gaza and the West Bank I am not a refugee from Palestine. This means I do not possess a right of return into the sovereign state of Israel. I only want to build a prosperous state of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank and nowhere else. And I always tell them go bring me one….and no one ever does. And just to be clear, it’s not that I’m sitting and saying, oh look at me you know no one ever comes back. As I said, as a long-term peace activist I’m looking for these voices.”
Until the Palestinians (1960s renamed Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank) choose statehood over their delusional War of Return against Jewish sovereignty in ANY part of the land (read the Wilf/Schwarz book), no peace is possible. Dr. Wilf said she's found only 3 Palestinians willing to publicly endorse the contract above. It would be incredibly easy to take her down and prove her wrong by finding more Bassam Eids and Mosab Hassan Youssefs. But nobody has, and I doubt any Palestinian will dare do so PUBLICLY.
I hope someone here proves me wrong.