This is the "she was asking for it" excuse of rapist exonerators, cloaked in the faux "realism" of John Mearsheimer. The "Russian power" you defend is based on half a millenium of genocidal conquest in building a land-based commodity export empire under Tsarist, Soviet and Putinist regimes.
I wrote about these Rules of Russian History several times before: .
The ethnic Russian Muscovite core of Russia's Eurasian land mass has no inherent right to a sphere of influence or of conquest of the non-Russian peoples on its periphery, whose lands hold the oil, gas, diamonds, palladium, nickel that feeds the extractive Muscovite kleptocracy.
In a modern era of empire demolition the ongoing breakup of the Russian empire that began in 1917, and continued in 1989-91, will culminate after this war. An EU member prosperous democratic Ukraine is a threat of the good example that's fatal to a brittle, enserfed Russian empire.