There's asymmetry in theocratic idiocy between the two sides. Israel has dysfunctional politics, but a functioning state. The PA has no presence in Gaza and Hamas was poised to win elections in the West Bank, which is why Abbas launched the propaganda campaign against what was a private real estate dispute. There is no Gush Emunim or other settler equivalent to Hamas in the West Bank settlements. There is no Israeli government equivalent to the PA leadership's denial of the archeological and other evidence of the Jewish ties to the disputed land that both sides claim indigenous ties to. That was the point of the Sharon-Arafat Moses fable. The best route to the truth is often a parable or a joke. There will be peace when a new generation of Palestinian leaders accept the permanence of a Jewish state as neighbor. When that happens, the vast majority of Israelis, who have no love for the West Bank settlers they subsidize, will be happy to end the occupation.