The UN, the EU and the US want to subject Israel to another risky experiment in land for peace geopolitical engineering. The Einsteinian definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a better result next time. Societies mobilized by genocidal death cults don't change until forced to look in the mirror by final apocalyptic defeat. Palestinian jihadi martyrdom bushido will be no exception to this rule of history.
The examples of Germany after WWI and WWII, Japan and Italy after WWII and the American South after 1865 are more instructive than any generalization about "retaliation = more extremists".
Germany was only half-defeated after 1918 and relatively untouched by WWI. So German imperialism is racialized form came roaring back with Nazism. Half defeated empires become far more, not less dangerous. After 1945 we thoroughly de-Nazified a devastated Germany. The stab in the back lie of post-WWI was impossible.
The American South’s case proves my point about half-defeated warrior cults. By ending federal occupation too early in 1877 we got 88 years of Jim Crow and white supremacist rule by Lost Cause cult terror, with a reinvented version of slavery by black codes and prison labor. Sherman’s making Georgia howl on his march to the sea wasn’t enough to deprogram the South.
Japan, on the other hand, was deprogammed from Bushido and Japanese society thoroughly reprogrammed in six years of rule by de facto emperor Douglas MacArthur and his team. It was the last exercise in revolutionary imperialism. Nobody's worried about Japanese militarism now.
In all three cases, devastation was the key to convincing the Germans, Japanese and the South to conclude, "we'll never, ever again try militarist nationalism."
Apply the Japan lesson to the Palestinians, as Dr.Wilf does using John Dower’s Embracing Defeat: Japan in the Wake of WWII.
Hamas and Fatah are now just local branches of an Iranian run theocratic Muslim supremacist ring of fire surrounding Israel. This axis of extermination is openly genocidal. Take their rhetoric since Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial literally and seriously.
But the deprogramming must come in Islamic religious form from the Arab signatories to the Abrahama Accords + the Saudis. No secular argument will induce a theocratic authoritarian collectivist Palestinian society to choose statehood over an endless War of Return. One look at, and the Ask Project should end all argument on this point.
Just as Liz Cheney provides Trumpster Republicans social permission to exit the MAGA cult, a scaled up Saudi and Emirati Islam-based deprogramming effort similar to how the Saudis defeated Al-Qaeda after 2001 is the only feasible exit for a jihadified Palestinian society mobilized
for death and martyrdom. This deprogramming must precede statehood. You'll know it's succeeded when thousands of Palestinians are ready to record videos signing Dr. Wilf's contract distributed by Bassam Eid as Minister of Education. But that won't happen with the current mafia with a flag in power in Ramallah. The Mahmoud Abbas PA and re-formed/vamped/structured/constituted or whatever other misbegotten adjective as yet untried are oxymorons. They're still living under Arafat's 1988 stages plan of using Oslo to smuggle terror into Palestine, which Arafat said he'd do the same day he signed the Oslo Accord on the White House lawn.
Your comment about settlements proves my point about putting de-jihadification first. In Lebanon there's no border dispute, no settlements, no occupation and an Iran-sponsored jihadi death cult still wars on Israel. The correlation between occupation and jihadi denial of Jewish sovereignty remains unchanged since Ernest Bevin said in 1947 when he handed the "irreconcilable conflict" to the UN:
"the highest point of principle for the Jews is to have a state in the land. The highest point of principle for the Arabs and for which they will fight to the last is that the Jews not have a state."
I agree with Natasha Hausdorff about settlements:
Ending Muslim supremacist Jewish sovereignty denial and the War of Return's pursuit of dhimmitude restoration is the sine qua non of peace. It must precede everything else. Until it happens, Dan Schueftan will be right: some problems have no solution and can only be managed.
I haven't watched the interview yet, but I will.