The rally co-organizer acknowledged the chant "gas the Jews" happened and tried to shut it down.
It happened, except in your Kelly Anne Conway world of alternative facts.
The assaults on Jews in Paris, Lyon, London, American college campuses and the Ventura County, California murder of Paul Kessler happened ( The chants of “from the river to the sea” continued while he bled to death on the street.
The “keep the world clean” of the Star of David in the trash Judenrein signs at pro-Hamas demos also happened, one from a Norwegian student in Warsaw within walking distance of the Warsaw ghetto Umschlagplatz where the Germans assembled Jews for shipment to Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka.
To see how your selective outrage and metastasizing global anti-semitism are Siamese twins, we need only pose counterfactuals and role reversals — listen for the dogs that didn’t bark against far more murderous Arab on Arab and Muslim on Muslim slaughter greeted with deafening silence:
- Global demos in support of Sudanese civilians against their murderous military? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos in support of 300000 massacred in Darfur? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against the Saudi war and starvation of Shias in Yemen? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against the Iraqi slaughter of Kurds with chemical weapons in 1988 and Iraqi Shias in 1991? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against the Assad regime’s butchery of a 1/2 million Syrians in the civil war since 2011 and its starvation and slaughter of Palestinians in the Yarmouk refugee camp? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against ISIS’ genocidal slaughter of the Yazidis? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against the Pashtun and Sunni-dominated Taliban’s repression of the Shia Hazara? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against Assad senior’s murder of 1000–1500 Palestinian refugees in the Tel al Zaatar refugee camp in 1976? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
And for non-Muslim on Muslim examples of the protest dog that didn’t bark:
- Global demos against Russia in 1994 and 1999 bombing the Chechen capital Grozny to oblivion as the Allies did to Dresden in 1945? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against the Burmese army’s genocidal ethnic cleansing of its Muslim Rohingya minority? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
- Global demos against the Chinese imprisoning one million Uighurs in misnamed “reeducation camps”? Did you write or comment about this? Nope.
If you’re mystified by the deafening silence of all these global protests, listen for…The dog that didn’t bark of global violence against the religious institutions and individual citizens of these ethno-repressive states being viewed as embassies of the states committing the crimes. No Chinese or Saudis have been assaulted or stabbed in Paris and Lyon, as has happened to Jewish women there. No Chinese community centers have been blown up in Buenos Aires, as happened to the Jewish community center there in 1994. No Chinese or Burmese Buddhist temples and monks have been assaulted or murdered in Toulouse, Paris, Brussels and Pittsburgh, as has happened to synagogues, their congregations and rabbis there.
No demos with chants of “gas the Chinese, Saudis or Moroccans” for military action that was NOT triggered by Uighurs, Yemenis or Saharouis firing rockets at Beijing, Mecca or Rabat or invading and livestreaming sadistic mass murder, rape and kidnapping in Chinese, Saudi and Moroccan border towns.
We’ve seen no demos with genocidal “keep the world clean” signs of the Chinese, Saudi and Moroccan flags in a trash can:
In a world full of ethnic conflict zones only this one attracts global attention. Why? The metastasizing global Jew hatred that you exemplify.