The future is with Evergrande, Country Garden, BRI debt defaults, a capital controlled non-convertible currency led by a CCP mafia with a flag whose leader shoots any messenger bearing bad news? Really?
Modi the theocratic Hindu fascist? Really? Then show me your portfolio of Chinese and Indian stocks. Put your money where your mouth is and live with the results. Show me your $ short positions vs the yuan and the rupee. Tell me what Russia's going to do with the 40bn non-convertible rupees from selling under break even crude to India.
And China is fastest aging society on earth saddled with a debt bomb that makes Uncle Sam look fiscally prudent.
Open societies and economies with convertible currencies and with citizen armies kill closed society empires with serf armies, ever since the Greeks defeated the Persians and the Persian emperor hired 10000 Greek mercenaries because he knew its citizen soldiers were the best anywhere.