The American Psychiatric Association says remote diagnosis isn't valid. But I won't sue you for malpractice since I'm quite used to adjectives like ignorant, and dense by my evidence-resistant trollish responders. So I'll return straight to what you wrote:
"This isn't genocide": Raphael Lemkin and Tim Snyder say otherwise, as do the mass graves in Bucha, Irpin, Mariupol, Izyum and countless other Russian-occupied areas. There's ample additional proof in the genocidal Ukraine doesn't exist rants of Timofey Sergeytsev, Medvedev, Putin, Solovyev and the hysterical Russian exterminationist Pavel Gubarev. You offered no counterargument to the evidence presented because there isn't any that erases this avalanche of Russian genocidal venom.
"There will be no convictions": There's already been one trial and conviction of a Russian soldier for murdering civilians. He's already in prison. There will be many more if the ICC and Ukrainian investigators have anything to say about it.
"Ukraine banned Russian": The language law's Wikipedia page with the law's text says this is ethno-nationalist Russian fantasy that equates Russian speaker with Russian nationality. You offered no evidence-based reply. But you need only view Servant of the People and Winter on Fire about the Maidan Revolution on Netflix to see ample proof. Servant of the People is one more proof that no dictator can survive a great comedian (remember Chaplin's Great Dictator?).
"Nuclear blackmail": You gave no answer to Russia violating the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. If this violation goes unanswered and Ukraine is forced into an unacceptable peace or frozen conflict, you can be sure the NPT will be a dead letter and that every nuclear capable state from the Saudis to Japan will go nuclear.
"Ukrainian far right nationalists": No reply to the political math: Right Sector and other neo-fascists got 2% of the vote in 2019. Zelenskiy, a Jewish Ukrainian whose ancestors were hunted in pogroms like mine in Vinnitsya and Rivne, got 73%. This electoral math says Ukraine has less of a far right problem than virtually every member of the EU and NATO. Ask my Berliner friends about AfD, my French cousins about LePen and my Italian friends about Giorgia Meloni and Putin buddies Salvini and Mussomini Berlusconi.
"Bias and prejudice": So Ukraine should pay for French, British and American bigotry with erasure from the map? It's a very strange way to combat racism that I doubt Yemenis, Kosovars, East Timorese or Rwandans would agree with. The Kosovars and East Timorese would not share your logic of "since we can't intervene everywhere to protect all, let's intervene nowhere and protect nobody." Purists love to make the perfect the enemy of the good to protect a spurious moral high ground that floats on thin air above the real word as it is.
Russian useful idiocy, to use the term used by KGB director and then defector Yuri Bezmenov, describes your parroting of RT talking points. It's not a comment on your cognitive or intellectual capacity. But it locates you on the left half of a political horseshoe, where you converge, however unintentionally with tiki-torched Tucker, MTG, Steve Bannon, JD Vance, Berlusconi, Salvini and LePen.
As always, I thank my evidence-repellent critics for providing good raw material for the next article. The ratio of positive to negative responses usually runs about 10 or 20:1, which makes you as big a loser as Trump in the midterms. Keep it up.