Tell Henry Ford, ITT, Thyssen and IG Farben who financed the Nazis' rise against the left. Read Who Financed Hitler by James and Suzanne Pool. Read my From Suits to Thugs article about the billionaire Mercers financing the organizations behind Capitol rioters. Xenophobic and racist right wing populist movements always appropriate and repurpose leftist rhetoric and terminology while acting as tools of the oligarchs in suits who finance them, knowing there are millions of gullible and historically illiterate narcissistically nationalistic people ready to swallow any big lie (stab in the back, Mediterraneo mare nostrum, MAGA, Stop the Steal, globalist American carnage, QAnon) that's emotionally satisfying (own the libs). HL Mencken was thinking of you when he said "no man ever went broke underestsimating the intelligence of the American people." But thanks for the 2017 capital gains tax cut, which came out of your healthcare and student debt payments.