Sovereign states exercise a monopoly of the use of force within their borders. Lebanon certainly doesn't. If it did it would enforce UN resolution 1701. The state doesn't even control its single airport, as whistleblowers who work there has revealed:
"Hezbollah stores stockpile of weapons at Beirut airport, British newspaper reveals
Ballistic missiles, Burkan rockets, anti-tank guided missiles, explosives containing toxic powder and so much more; the terror group hides these weapons in Beirut's main civilian airport after they arrive on flights from Iran; the airport is located 4 miles from downtown Beirut and residents fear that an Israeli strike on the stockpile could cause even more destruction than the port explosion in 2020."
Officials at the Beirut-Rafic Al Hariri International Airport told The Telegraph that Hezbollah receives weapons on flights from Iran to the airport in Beirut, where those weapons are stored. According to the same sources, Hezbollah stores huge amounts of Iranian weapons, missiles and explosives inside the civilian airport.
Among other things, the stockpile includes Iranian-made Falaq unguided artillery rockets, Fateh-110 short-range missiles, road-mobile ballistic missiles and M-600 missiles with ranges of over 150 to 200 miles."
Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Sudan are de jure but not de facto sovereign states, while Iraqi Kurdistan is the reverse.
On Oct 7 Israel was still clearing Hamas terrorists out of its side of the Gaza envelope. Hamas is solely responsible for the deaths of its human shields in Gaza according to the UN's statute on genocide and the prevention of war crimes. Read it:
The same principle applies for the death of Lebanese in whose homes weapons are stored.
Here's a 4 minute video showing how Hezbollah follows the same human shield strategy as Hamas in locating weapons and military infrastructure next to mosques, schools, hospitals:
That you deny the right of self-defense to a Jewish state that you'd never deny to:
-France if it was invaded by Basque terrorists.
-Poland if invaded by Prussian and Silesian refugees demanding a right of return.
-Kuwait if invaded by some of the 400000 Palestinians it expelled in 1991.
is pure double standards anti-semitism. So is singling out the world's only Jewish state for exclusion from the sovereignty club when the Arabs have 22 states with a land area 650x the size of Israel.
"in its current form": That is solely a Jewish decision. That's what sovereignty means, "our fate never again decided by others" (Golda Meir. After 2000 years of genocidal persecution gentile don't decide for Jews, period.
IHRA definition of anti-semitism:
"apartheid": 2.1m Israeli Arabs beg to differ. They have more civil and constitutional rights than any other Arabs from Morocco to Iraq. If Israel were an apartheid state then Muslim Israeli Arabs IDF Major Ella Waweya, TV presenter Lucy Ahrysh and Stanford MBA Sophia Khalifa, daughter of an illiterate Bedouin mother, would not exist. Listen to her:
Israeli Arab TV presenter and journalist Lucy Aharhysh's interview:
And if you’re writing about Israel instead of breaking your deafening silence about Muslim on Muslim mass murder and rape as a weapon of war in Sudan, Darfur, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Iraq, you’re practicing the double standards anti-semitism of “no Jews = no news.”