Since Mr. Wight believes that Jews don't have the right to a state of their own, he has no problem writing apologia for openly genocidal theocratic Nazis whose charter advocates extermination, a second Shoah. But what can we expect from a Corbynite who, like Jeremy, views Hamas as "force for justice in the world"
In 2005 when Israel left, the PA and then Hamas in 2007, when it took power in a coup throwing PA civil servants off rooftops and out of windows, had a choice: to go to Dubai or Beirut. They chose Beirut.
But don't take it from me, but from Bassam Eid, the Palestinian peace activist who exposes the Big Lie behind Hamas blaming Israel for its own failures:
From the video:
"“Israel defends people with rockets. Hamas uses people to defend rockets”
Eid says we must understand Hamas as a criminal gang holding Gazans hostage and follow the money to see through the pseudo-revolutionary Islamist smokescreen:
Hamas has no ability and in fact no desire to govern. The water isn’t safe to drink, the power goes out for hours at a time, raw sewage washes up on your beaches. The Israelis are not responsible for these dismal failures. Hamas is and everybody in Gaza knows it.
It is Hamas that steals the imported cement meant to build houses for you and uses it instead to build a massive network of tunnels from which its hopes to terrorize Israelis.
It is Hamas that makes sure humanitarian aid meant for you is diverted to its favored elites who then sell it for a profit on the black market.
Think about the even greater number of Palestinians who are now homeless in Gaza because Hamas choose to hide weapons in residential buildings.
Some of the Hamas missiles that Israeli Defense Forces failed to intercept ended up exploding in places like Jaffa, Nablus and Lod where Arab Israelis live. Palestinians living in Israel are as likely to be killed as Israelis themselves. Hamas couldn’t care less.
When naive American and European NGOs offer millions to rebuild Gaza who do you think will get that money? It won’t be the people who really deserve it and need it….(but) the leaders of the Hamas gang and their friends, who will add new rooms to their fancy villas rather than rebuild homes, purchase Corona virus vaccines or provide social services for their people.
The peace which could have been possible when Israel withdrew entirely from the Gaza Strip in 2005 will be even further out of reach. Hamas robbed you of that chance when it set up its military gang. Then it’s robbing you of the same chance now no matter how many Jews it managed to kill. Hamas will never be satisfied, it will never stop lying but you can stop believing its lies.”
The veteran and military analyst Andrew Tanner wrote:
“What Hamas did was the definition of mindless. All that combat power, a breach in the wall, the enemy paralyzed, and it sent dozens of fighters to murder people at a dance party. Not more military bases, not to the West Bank or Jerusalem, but farming collectives and dances. That indicates Hamas is driven purely by the desire to bolster its credentials as a resistance organization by racking up a body count. You don’t allocate scarce resources or train personnel without intent. The many evils Israel has done in the past can’t be set against this as if there’s a cosmic balance sheet. Hamas has taken an action that implies a long term desire to carry out further atrocities with no shred of military benefit. It no longer matters what anyone feels — the logic of the State dictates that Hamas be annihilated regardless of the damage to bystanders. Most Israelis will default to allowing their government to make them safe from the terrible fates wrought upon so many of their fellow countrymen by any means necessary.”
But all these facts and analysis are pointless if you live by the sovereignty-demolishing anti-semitic slogan, "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea" and somehow believe that Hamas turning thousands of Gazans into human shields will get you there.
But if you listen to what Palestinians actually say what they want out of any eventual peace negotiations, don't be surprised that Hamas was elected in 2006:
"The Whole Middle East Is Counting on Israel to Destroy Hamas
"Gaza, which borders Israel’s sparsely populated south rather than its densely populated center as the West Bank does, seemed a safe place to test a competing hypothesis—that if Israeli soldiers and settlers left, Palestinians would have no reason to attack Israel and would focus on state-building. And when that hypothesis proved false—rocket fire on southern Israel quickly escalated once the IDF left, and the first war with Hamas in Gaza erupted just three years after the pullout—a new theory arose: yes, Hamas is a nuisance, but a small terrorist organization can’t really do Israel much harm from across a well-guarded border, so the pullout is still preferable to bearing the costs, in terms of both military casualties and money, of an Israeli presence in Gaza.
That theory has been eroding for years, as each successive Hamas-Israel war (we are now on the fifth in eighteen years, by my count) produced ever-more-intensive rocket fire on ever-growing swaths of Israel. But it collapsed completely on Saturday. It turns out a small terrorist organization across the border can wreak massive harm.
Nor is it plausible to argue that while quitting Gaza didn’t satisfy the Palestinians, quitting the West Bank would—because Hamas’s primary goal is neither statehood nor prosperity, but Israel’s destruction. As the senior Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk said in 2021, the organization wants Israel “to come to an end just like it began.” Granted, the West Bank is controlled by Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah party, not Hamas (though Fatah also isn’t enthusiastic about fighting terror; the IDF does most of the work). But so was Gaza when Israel left. A year later, Hamas won the Palestinian election. And a year after that, fed up with Fatah’s refusal to cede power, it ousted Fatah from Gaza militarily in a week.
That Hamas truly seeks Israel’s destruction is hard for Westerners to grasp; many feel it must have sought some diplomatic or economic gain from Saturday’s attack. But Hamas itself made no such claims. It certainly wasn’t seeking to improve Gaza’s economy; a Hamas source told Reuters that its negotiations in recent months about Qatari aid and letting more Gazans work in Israel were a deliberate deception aimed at convincing Israel it wasn’t interested in war. Nor was it seeking to pressure the Saudis over normalization with Israel. As a Hamas operative told Israel’s Channel 13 television, preparations for this attack began a year ago—long before normalization was anything but a fantasy. And those preparations were massive, even including construction of a mock village so the terrorists could practice invading civilian homes.
Moreover, despite Gaza’s ongoing humanitarian nightmare under Hamas rule, polls consistently show that its leader, Ismail Haniyeh, would trounce Abbas if Palestinian elections were held today. And its enduring popularity is precisely the result of its single-minded focus on Israel’s destruction, a goal that most Palestinians—including Fatah members and supporters—unabashedly share.
In a 2015 Fikra Forum poll, for instance, 81 percent of West Bankers and 88 percent of Gazans said that Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza are all “Palestinian land” to which “Jews have no rights,” and only a quarter of respondents expected Israel to “continue to exist as a Jewish state” in 30 to 40 years. A plurality even said that reclaiming all of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza should be the “main Palestinian national goal” over the next five years. Nor should the two-state solution’s second-place showing on the list of short-term national goals provide much comfort, since an Israel Project poll from 2011 found that 66 percent of Palestinians view two states as a mere stepping-stone to a single Palestinian state in all of Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.
In the context of these widespread Palestinian beliefs, Hamas’s attack makes perfect sense. Because Jews, in its view, have no religious or historical connection to this land, Hamas sees them as mere colonial occupiers who can be driven out through a sustained campaign of deadly terror, just as colonial occupiers were in many other countries. Thus it’s no surprise that, as Haaretz’s Sheren Falah Saab reported, most of the Gazans she spoke with described the attack “as the beginning of the ‘liberation of Palestine.’”
But since Israel won’t acquiesce in its own annihilation, it can only put itself in the best possible situation to protect itself. And that, for all the reasons given above, requires military control of Palestinian areas."