Show me screenshots of your trades that put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise, you're just full of hot air.
Where's the central bank backing the BRICS' gold-backed common currency? Not for decades since their members won't allow free outward movement of capital . They know if they do it'll fly out to Vancouver, London and NY faster than a hypersonic missile.
I hold more $ than euros, even though I live in the EU. My Roche shares are in CHF. My VNA, NVO, LDA, BKT, ZAL shares are in euros. My BME and ULVR shares are in GBP. My EQNR shares are in NOK. KINV.B shares are in SEK + a fair bit of Canadian bank and energy stocks in CDN$.
I've showed mine, now you show me you've put your money where your mouth is. I'm ready to bet $1000 that you won't and can't. But I'm 100% certain you won't take the bet because you haven't invested a penny in shorting the $ against the RBL, real or Rand because you're afraid you'll lose it.