It seems you prefer Putin in power instead of Navalny, Kasparov, Gaidar, Khodorkovsky, Nobel Peace Prize winner Irina Scherbakova, the co-founder of Memorial, the Free Russia Foundation, TV Rain, Meduza and millions of other Russians supporting regime change in Russia however they can get it.
Other regime changes supported by the USA:
The slave South: 1861-65
Italy, 1943
Germany and Japan, 1945
Spain, 1976
Chile, 1990 (end of Pinochet's regime that the CIA had covertly helped to seize power)
Argentina, 1982-83
USSR and Warsaw Pact eastern Europe, 1989-91
Italy and France, 1947-48 and Portugal, 1975-76: keeping Stalinist communist parties out of power.
Then there's the long list of nasty covert and overt ops--Iran 1953, Guatemala 1954, Cuba 1961, Brazil 1964, Chile 1973, 1980s Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador, Vietnam, keep local oligarchs and kleptocrats in power or Soviet-aligned parties out of it. But once or twice a century a really nasty genocidal imperialist shows up to make Uncle Sam look good by comparison. And you just can't swallow that simple fact.
I wrote that a Korea armistice was a "possible outcome", which is hardly a prediction. On the other hand, the congressman quoted in the Politico article link said this a year ago, just before Putin launched his genocidal war. So he's hardly losing faith, especially with his President's surprise visit to Kyiv this morning:
"“Putin is highly critical of the decisions that were made that broke up the Soviet empire, and I think he’d like nothing better than to reconstitute it, which would be very, very bad for Eastern Europe and, I think, for the world,” Smith said. “So if we can deter him from attempting that and avoid that military conflict, I think that’s good for everybody.”
Giving in to Putin now, Smith said, would set a dangerous precedent for the future — that it is OK for one country to take over another independent nation. He said it also could spell armed conflict for the United States at a future time.
“It undermines democracy, it undermines political and economic freedom, and ultimately it makes the world less peaceful and makes it more likely that at some point down the road, the U.S. would be dragged into a conflict that we could not avoid,” Smith said.
He compared it to the actions — or inactions — of world leaders in the years leading up to World War II.
“Back in the 1930s, Nazi Germany claimed they had historical rights to the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia, and then it was all of Czechoslovakia, and then it was Austria,” Smith said. “And the rest of the world looked at us and said, ‘Yeah, we really don’t want to confront this guy, so let’s just go ahead and act like he has a legitimate claim.'”
In Porto it's cherry blossom season. Come visit since you like cherry-picking to misrepresent sources so much to fabricate Ukrainian military failure that simply isn't happening. Watch the Vuhledar tank massacre video and DPR leader Igor Girkin's interviews on Telegram, Newsweek and Charter97%. to understand the catalog of Russian military incompetence and failure.