Prigozhin, Popov, Girkin and Russian milbloggers on Telegram too numerous to count certainly don't see themselves as winning. Popov was fired simply for telling the truth about Shoigu and Gerasimov's incompetence and Russia's lack of counter battery fire.
The Russian soldiers whose calls are intercepted on Insights from Ukraine certainly don't see themselves as winning. Listen and learn.
ISW sees Russia's chain of command as fragmenting. It also sees local commander dissent, disobedience and discontent metastasizing.
Nobody with any sense gives a specific calendar forecast for when Ukraine will transition from attritional warfare degrading Russian command and control, supply and logistics to maneuver warfare for a breakthrough. With fixed wing air support it would come much sooner. This is how the bedwetting Axis of Prudence prolongs the war by undersupplying Ukraine. The same people who don't want Ukraine to have Dutch F-16s and Australian F-18s will then trumpet Ukrainian military underperformance the policies they advocate cause.