Nothing more than jihadi Jim Crow. See below for how it worked in practice. Muslim and Catholic supremacy weren't very different. Both practiced child abduction. (
"Yemenite Jews in dhimmitude*: Legalized child abduction
Yemen’s Zaydi rulers institutionalized a Muslim supremacist version of Russian-style identicide before it was called a genocidal crime after WWII:
“enforced a statute known as the Orphan’s Decree, anchored in their own 18th-century legal interpretations….It obligated the Zaydi state to take under its protection and to educate in Islamic ways any dhimmi (i.e. non-Muslim) child whose parents had died when he was a minor. The Orphan’s Decree was ignored during the Ottoman rule (1872–1918), but was renewed during the period of Imam Yahya (1918–1948)….Shalom Shabazi, a Jewish poet who lived in 17th century Yemen, wrote in one of his poems about “stealing orphans”. A translation of the poem runs thus: “Thousands of orphaned souls, both boys and girls, were wrested from the arms of their parents, grandfather and grandmother, by force by the nations all the days of the many kings of Yemen….Rabbi Hayyim Habshush writes that by the end of Al-Mansur Ali I’s rule in 1809 the Imam built palaces for his sons “and when he settled his sons in those palaces he ordered that the orphaned Jewish children be seized and converted and made servants and scribes in the palaces.” In the same account Habshush testifies that there were some “who concealed the children in their homes until they were fully grown.”
“One more account is dated to 1850. Jewish scholar Amram Qorah recalls a story about his orphaned father, who was hidden by a Jewish family in their home and thereby escaped a forced conversion.[2]”
Such practices were embedded in Yemen’s marriage and military recruitment markets and continued until the mid 20th century:
“In 1923 the Jewish community of Al Hudaydah suffered the abduction of 42 orphaned children, some of whom managed to escape.[4] “A witness account from Sana’a recalls an abduction of two fatherless siblings, a brother and a sister. The children were forcibly taken from their mother’s arms and beaten to make them convert to Islam. The Jewish community offered to pay for the children’s release to their family, but Islamic law prohibits accepting money to avert such a conversion. The witness compares the ceremony of the conversion of the siblings to a “funeral procession”….After getting out of the orphanage, converted Jewish boys were often enlisted as soldiers. The girls made a valuable asset as brides because there were no relatives who needed to be paid a bride price in order to marry them.[4]”
Child abduction by decree drove child marriage since a married young girl could not be abducted and forcibly converted to Islam:
“An orphaned boy or boy or girl could also be very quickly married, since married people had adult legal status and could not be taken for forcible conversion.”
Identicidal child abduction drove mass adoption and emigration to Ottoman and then mandatory Palestine. How Palestinians view Yemenite Jews, but not illegal Yemeni Muslim immigrants to mandatory Palestine as “settler-colonialists”, is, of course, never explained.
“cases are recorded of Jews making the arduous journey to settle in the Land of Israel with orphaned relatives or unrelated children they had adopted in order to escape the threat that the children might be taken for conversion.[2]”
The British enclave of Aden and mandatory Palestine were Jewish safe havens from identicidal forced conversion:
“Jewish communities responded by acting quickly when children were orphaned, sometimes taking children and placing them with Jewish families living in dense Jewish settlements, especially Sana, large enough that a Jewish family might lack Muslim neighbors who would notice the addition of a child to a family.[2] However, because “hidden” children might be discovered and forcibly converted, relatives or the Jewish community sometimes arranged to take them out of the Yemen; In the first-half of the twentieth-century, the Chief Rabbi of Yemen, Yihya Yitzhak Halevi, worked tirelessly to save Jewish orphans from falling into the hands of Muslims.[5] From about 1920, British imperial control of Aden provided a safe haven to which orphaned children could be taken; clandestine caravans carrying orphans and traveling by night are known to have gone from various parts of Yemen to take orphaned children to the sanctuary of the British Empire.[2]”
Child abduction was just one of many features of identicide by institutionalized humiliation and domination of Yemenite Jews:
“Jews were considered to be impure and therefore forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim’s food. They were obligated to humble themselves before a Muslim, to walk to the left side, and greet him first. They could not build houses higher than a Muslim’s or ride a camel or horse, and when riding on a mule or a donkey, they had to sit sideways. Upon entering the Muslim quarter a Jew had to take off his foot-gear and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by youth, a Jew was not allowed to fight them. In such situations, he had the option of fleeing or seeking intervention by a merciful Muslim passerby.”
Just as Russia used the Holodomor planned famine to depopulate eastern Ukraine of Ukrainians and Crimea of its Tatars, Yemen’s rulers used expulsions to depopulate Yemen of its Jews:
“In 1679, under the rule of Al-Mahdi Ahmad, Jews were expelled en masse from all parts of Yemen to the distant province of Mawza, in what was known as the Mawza Exile, when many Jews died of starvation and disease as a consequence. As many as two-thirds of the exiled Jews did not survive. Their houses and property were seized, and many synagogues were destroyed or converted into mosques….”
and now we’ll see how there was a Catholic version of Yemen’s Orphans Decree mandating forced conversion, and how a….
Papal kidnapping of a Jewish child triggered Italy’s unification
The illness of a Bolognese Jewish baby led the family’s servant to baptize, which triggered his kidnapping by the papacy in 1857:
“In late 1857, Bologna’s inquisitor, Father Pier Feletti, heard that Anna Morisi, who had worked in the Mortara house for six years, had secretly baptised Edgardo when she had thought he was about to die as a baby. The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition held the view that the action irrevocably made the child a Catholic and, because the law of the Papal States forbade the raising of Christians by members of other faiths, it ordered that he be taken from his family and brought up by the Church. Police went to the Mortara home late on 23 June 1858, and took custody of Edgardo the following evening….Cases like that were not uncommon in 19th-century Italy, and often revolved around the baptism of a Jewish child by a Christian servant. The official Church position was that Catholics should not baptise Jewish children without the parents’ consent, except if a child was on the brink of death. In those cases, the Church considered the customary deferment to parental authority was outweighed by the importance of allowing the child’s soul to be saved and go to Heaven, and permitted baptism without the parents’ assent. Many Jewish families feared clandestine baptisms by their Christian maids and, to counter this perceived threat, some households required Christians leaving their employment to sign notarised statements confirming that they had never baptised any of the children.”
Papal identicide of a Jewish child helped trigger the final chapter of Italian unification. It was
“one of the most significant events in Pius IX’s papacy, and they (historians) juxtapose his handling of it in 1858 with the loss of most of his territory a year later. The case notably altered the policy of the French Emperor Napoleon III, who shifted from opposing the movement for Italian unification to actively supporting it.”
A Jewish people with no sovereignty or civil rights made it impossible for Edgardo’s parents to win an asymmetrical war about their child’s identity:
“After the child’s father was allowed to visit him during August and September 1858, two starkly different narratives emerged: one told of a boy who wanted to return to his family and the faith of his ancestors, while the other described a child who had learned the catechism perfectly and wanted his parents to become Catholics as well.”
Identicide of Jews was built into the legal framework of the Papal States that kidnapped Edgardo Mortara. The French Revolution and Napoleonic occupation of the 1790s had begun to reverse the 1593 expulsion of its Jews:
“The Jews of the Papal States, numbering 15,000 or so in 1858,[5] were grateful to Pope Pius IX because he had ended the long-standing legal obligation for them to attend sermons in church four times a year, based on that week’s Torah portion and aimed at their conversion to Christianity. On 17 April 1848, he had also torn down the gates of the Roman Ghetto, despite the objections of many Christians. However, Jews continued to be subject to many restrictions and the vast majority still lived in the ghetto.[10] After returning from exile in 1850, during which the Roman Republic had issued sharp anti-Church measures, the Pope issued a series of anti-liberal measures, including re-instituting the Ghetto….“The Jews of Bologna practiced Judaism discreetly, with neither a rabbi nor a synagogue…”
Such were the consequences of Jews’ exclusion from sovereignty. Public pressure by the emancipated Jewish communities of Britain, France and Germany and their Protestant supporters only inflamed conspiracist Catholic anti-Semitism:
“The Catholic press both in Italy and abroad steadfastly defended the Pope’s actions. The pro-Church articles often took on an overtly anti-Semitic character, charging, for example, that was hardly a surprise that coverage in Britain, France or Germany was critical, “since currently the newspapers of Europe are in good part in the hands of the Jews”.
Papal identicide brought geopolitical suicide for papal temporal power:
“Those angered included Napoleon III of France, who found the situation particularly vexing because the pontifical government owed its very existence to the French garrison in Rome. Napoleon III had indifferently supported the Pope’s temporal rule because it enjoyed widespread support among French Catholics. Mortara’s abduction was widely condemned in the French press and weakened support for the papacy. According to the historian Roger Aubert [fr], it was the final straw that changed French policy. In February 1859, Napoleon III concluded a secret pact with the Kingdom of Sardinia pledging French military support for a campaign to drive the Austrians out and unify Italy. Most of the pontifical domain would be absorbed along with the Two Sicilies and other minor states. One of the first official acts of the new order was to introduce freedom of religion and make all citizens equal before the law. In November 1859, the governor Luigi Carlo Farini issued a proclamation abolishing the inquisition.”
“One of the first official acts of the new order was to introduce freedom of religion and make all citizens equal before the law. In November 1859, the governor Luigi Carlo Farini issued a proclamation abolishing the inquisition.”
Historical amnesia about Christian and Muslim identicide of Jews is at the center of excluding Jews from the world’s sovereignty club:
“When David Kertzer began studying the case, he was surprised to find that many of his Italian colleagues were not familiar with it, while specialists in Jewish studies across the world invariably were. Mortara had, as Kertzer put it, “[fallen] from the mainstream of Italian history into the ghetto of Jewish history”.
“this clash between liberal and Catholic worldviews at a moment of critical international tension … gave the Mortara affair global significance — and rendered it a transformative episode in the Jewish world as well”
The Mortara identicide case triggered not just Napoleon III’s support for Italian unification but modern Jewish nationalism — Zionism:
“In the months before Pius IX’s beatification by the Catholic Church in 2000, Jewish commentators and others in the international media raised the largely forgotten Mortara episode…..the basic facts of the Mortara case are far from unique, but it is of particular importance nevertheless, because of its effect on public opinion in Italy, Britain and France, and as an example of “the great sense of Jewish solidarity that emerged in the latter half of the 19th century [as] Jews rose to the cause of their brethren in various parts of the world.”
Identicidal abduction by denial, fraud, history and language erasure
The next time you hear the blood libel that Israel is an foreign imperialist settler colonialist apartheid state, you’ll understand how this fraud follows the patterns Turks, Russians, Spanish Franquistas followed:
Denial (no Jewish temple here, Jews are Caucasus Khazars, Ashkenazi Jews are European settler colonialists, baptism nullifies Jewish child’s identity).
Academic fraud (Palestinians are Canaanites, Philistines and Jebusites, Kurds and Ukrainians don’t exist).
To justify history and language erasure (the Jews stole Arabic, Jesus was a Palestinian, Ukrainians are “Little Russians,” Kurdish is a Turkic dialect).
The identicide fraud poison’s only antidote
Recognize Jewish sovereignty.
End western-funded UNRWA inherited refugee status.
For a tactically invented** Palestinian nationality that feeds its
Endless, delusional jihadi war to restore Muslim supremacy.For a return that will never happen.
To a Palestinian state that never existed because Arabs launched a self-declared “war of extermination” against the UN partition plan and Jewish statehood in ANY part of the land.
*”Dhimmitude is a neologism characterizing the status of non-Muslims under Muslim rule, popularized by the Egyptian-born British writer Bat Ye’or in the 1980s and 1990s. It is a portmanteau word constructed from the Arabic dhimmi ‘non-Muslim living in an Islamic state’ and the French (serv)itude ‘subjection’.[1] Bat Ye’or defines it as a permanent status of subjection in which Jews and Christians have been held under Islamic rule since the eighth century, and that forces them to accept discrimination or “face forced conversion, slavery or death”. The term gained traction among Bosnian Serb forces during the Balkan wars in the 1990s and is popular among self-proclaimed counter-jihadi authors….”