Not unless Al-Qudwa is ready to sign this contract, as drafted by Dr. Einat Wilf, former Labor Party MK and peace negotiator for Shimon Peres. It tells us what we need to hear from the tactically invented nationality called Palestinians since 1967:
“What I need to hear from a Palestinian is this: the Jewish people, as a people, have the equal right to self-determination in this land which is also their homeland. I know that this means that we can build a state of Palestine next to the Jewish state of Israel and not instead of it. I understand that this means that living in Gaza and the West Bank I am not a refugee from Palestine. This means I do not possess a right of return into the sovereign state of Israel. I only want to build a prosperous state of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank and nowhere else. And I always tell them go bring me one….and no one ever does. And just to be clear, it’s not that I’m sitting and saying, oh look at me you know no one ever comes back. As I said, as a long-term peace activist I’m looking for these voices.”
Anyone on the Palestinian Arab side who signs on to this contract risks assassination because the entire society is in the grip of a jihadi death and martyrdom cult as tight as wartime Japan's bushido code. Of course, I'd love as much as Dr. Wilf to be proven wrong. So far, not a single Palestinian has stepped forward to take down Dr. Wilf's dare. None. To see why listen to them interviewed in Corey Gil-Shuster's The Ask Project:
Unlike Thomas Friedman, I believe "reformed Palestinian Authority" is an oxymoron, a thesis proven by a quick look at and