Not that I ever agree with anything Trump says, but he called on Egypt and Jordan to take in those Gazans who choose to leave. Since Egypt hasn't allowed any Gazans without bribe money and connections to enter, even for medical treatment, it's logical to ask Egypt and Jordan to admit those who choose to leave. Resettling war refugees of the defeated side is the norm in armed conflict. Ask the 12m Germans who fled the Red Army and the Japanese who fled Manchuria and Saipan.
Since the PLO destroyed Lebanon after getting kicked out of Jordan in 1971 by King Hussein's army's Black September operation, and since the PLO supported Saddam in 1990-91 and the Egyptian army overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood government in 2013, Arab states' reluctance to take in Gazans who support their local Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) is logical. The fact is, nobody in the Arab world wants the Palestinians, though Jordan itself is demographically a Palestinian-majority state ("Jordan is Palestine, Palestine is Jordan"--King Hussein, 1981).
With the Kosovo example (a second Albanian state in Europe), you can make an argument for ANOTHER Palestinian state in the Levant. But that argument is moot until its future government accepts permanent Jewish sovereignty, not just de facto hudna sovereignty as part of Arafat's 1988 "stages plan" of take what we can now, and destroy Israel later. The most cursory examination of PA media on and tells us that they're not even close to signing this kind of peace deal enunciated by Dr. Einat Wilf:
“What I need to hear from a Palestinian is this: the Jewish people, as a people, have the equal right to self-determination in this land which is also their homeland. I know that this means that we can build a state of Palestine next to the Jewish state of Israel and not instead of it. I understand that this means that living in Gaza and the West Bank I am not a refugee from Palestine. This means I do not possess a right of return into the sovereign state of Israel. I only want to build a prosperous state of Palestine in Gaza and the West Bank and nowhere else. And I always tell them go bring me one….and no one ever does. And just to be clear, it’s not that I’m sitting and saying, oh look at me you know no one ever comes back. As I said, as a long-term peace activist I’m looking for these voices.”
She's found a total of....3, including Prof Mohammed Dajani at Al Quds Univ, who lost his job by teaching his students about the Shoah. Bassam Eid is another. Articles like yours only convince Palestinians these voices further.
Dr. Wilf's is a contract for a Palestinian choice of statehood over delusional War of Return, with Dr. Wilf's constructive specificity not the “constructive ambiguity,” her former boss Shimon Peres preferred when he said peacemaking, “like making love, is best done partially in the dark.” The deal above is the only plausible way to turn the lights on.
The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research polls show only a vanishingly small % of Palestinians ready to recognize PERMANENT Jewish sovereignty--a Palestinian state next to a Jewish one with an equal right to sovereignty, as shown here.
and in the polls cited here:
and here:
Your view of Palestinian public opinion is delusional. Show them the respect of taking them at their word instead of westsplaining it away. Listen to Ernest Bevin, no friend of Jews, in February 1947: "for the Arabs the highest point of principle, for which they will fight to the last for, is that the Jews not have a state in any part of the land." Nothing has changed since he said this. Watch The Ask Project's videos of Palestinians in Ramallah and other towns done by Corey Gil-Shuster to know what they want.