No hotter than Garry Kasparov, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Anne Applebaum, Alexey Navalny and Tim Snyder are for the fall of this genocidal and ecocidal, child-deporting, mass grave generating kleptocracy.
I rejoiced at the downfall of murderous regimes like Somoza in Nicaragua, the military regimes in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Panama, apartheid South Africa, Yanukovych in Ukraine, the USSR and its satellite communist regimes in 1991, the Khmer Rouge in 1979. Didn't you?
Like the fall of the Shah in 1979 and Vietnam's victory in 1975, I tend to agree with Khodorkovsky that the fall and breakup of Russia could be a be careful of what you wish for moment. But Kasparov is also right that Russia must be deimperialized and that may entail the emergence of new states now within Russia. The 1991 dissolution of the USSR shows how denying and not preparing for this possibility with policies like Bush 1.0's Chicken Kiev speech in 1990 is not good or realistic policy.