No, Americans don’t live in the world’s richest country
This article shows how even left wing American writers are imbued with Americans’ reflexive narcissistic nationalism. If you’re American, note that Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Qatar, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg are all wealthier by GDP per capita. Add back the balloon payments of university tuition and healthcare costs that Danes, Swedes, Finns, Dutch, Norwegians, Icelanders, New Zealanders, Aussies, the French, the Irish and Singaporeans don’t have to pay to their GDP per capita, and they’re all wealthier than Americans. Add back the much longer vacations and paid sick leave that the Germans, French, Belgians and Irish get by law and they’re wealthier too. The US healthcare system is like Argentina's economy: socialism with no planning and cartelized capitalism without a free market.
Want to get a true valuation of your country’s wealth and worth after weighing its COVID19 response, think of it as a tradeable asset in a free market. Who would buy into the USA and sell shares in Norway, Finland, Taiwan, Singapore, New Zealand and Denmark in exchange for a share of the USA? Any takers? Didn’t think so.
Reflexively repeating the alternative fact that the US is "the richest nation on earth" only feeds the narcissistic nationalism that gave us Trump and furthered Americans' enserfment to Big Insurance, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Big Agribusiness, Big Oil, Big Tech. Repeating it does nothing to reverse evisceration of anti-trust enforcement that allowed this neo-feudal winners take all fake meritocracy to turn the US into a plutocrats' plantation.