Nearly 40 years ago I learned French in Montpellier and Villefranche when the target was put on our backs by "Auschwitz was a detail" LePen the father. But things have changed with the daughter:
The far right Trumpster/Putin/MTG space laser target is always there. But the Melenchon/Corbyn/ Tlaib/Harvard/Columbia/Cornell/Stanford woke left target on us is growing fast. Ask any American college student afraid to wear a kipah or put a mezuzah on his door.
I say this as an FDR New Deal Democrat who would get positively nauseous at the idea of voting for Marine LePen, Orban, Kaczynski, Salvini, Meloni, BoJo/Sunak Tories and American Republicans. The neo-fascist right launders its anti-semitic history by supporting Israel while peddling rewritten Protocols rebranded with George Soros. Jew hatred is an infinitely shape-shifting virus for which there's no cure.
My maternal grandfather was a communist lawyer who raised money for the Spanish Republic and I wrote my BA thesis on the Spanish Civil War, interviewing many veterans exiled in France.
Anti-Zionism negates Jewish nationhood, which makes it anti-semitic.
Karl Marx and Norman Finkelstein proved Jews can be self-loathing anti-semites too.
Blaming Jews for the hatred they attract is classic anti-semitism, which you exhibit in your final two paragraphs.