My Jewish brain: my Italian ex-wife turned my habit of careful distinctions and nuance into an Italian verb: "talmudicare". Since she was a classicist fluent in medieval and classical Latin and classical Greek with a graduate degree in philosophy, I accepted her view of my Jewish brain.
So here's a sample of it at work: The Nazis' obsessive and racialized anti-semitism had zero correlation with Germany's post-WWI economic situation. It evolved out of the emancipation of most German states' Jews after 1849, which triggered a status-metering backlash similar to southern Americans' white population against black emancipation after 1865. Greater opportunities for Jews after emancipation produced more competition for professional advancement in law, medicine, business, academia, science.
And the Treaty of Versailles was actually mild in comparison to others victors imposed after a war, such as by Germany after the Franco-Prussian War. And Germany never paid 2/3 of what it owed France and Belgium. See Margaret MacMillan's book:
Again, I refer you to the protest dogs that don't bark:
it's the billionaire Hamas leadership in Doha who hold Gazan Arabs hostage and their western useful idiots who shouldn't. Every dead Gazan would be alive today if they had not started this war in a joyful delirium of livestreamed GoPro-ed murder by beheading, burning alive and raping victims, celebrating cruelty by using the victims' own phones to send livestream killings to their victims' parents and siblings.
Hamas knew what the response would be, that thousands of Gazans would then die in the ensuing war. And they did so at the behest of their Iranian sponsors to short circuit the extension of the Abraham Accords to Saudi Arabia, a form of human sacrifice to that geopolitical strategy.
More moral asymmetry from protest dogs that didn't bark: Not a single Jew has passed out candy to celebrate Arab deaths. Not a single Jew has chanted gas the Muslims. Not a single Jew has assaulted a mosque anywhere. Not a single Jew has torn down a poster of a kidnapped Gazan or West Bank Arab since Jews don't kidnap, rape, burn alive or behead Arabs as a weapon of war.
A fundamental law of human history: start a war of extermination and lose and you will lose territory. The Prussians started two world wars and Prussia ceased to exist. The Sudeten and Silesian Germans supported the Nazis and ended up as refugees in postwar western Germany or Stalinist Ossiland. Ethnic Italians who supported fascist Italy in Ragusa (Dubrovnik) and Fiume (Rijeka) ended up as refugees in postwar Italy. Nobody supports a spurious "right of return" of any of them, and rightly so. The "Palestinians", a nationality no different from Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese fabricated by the PLO for tactical reasons (wikipedia or google search Zahrir Muhsein De Trouw), are the world's only permanent refugees with their own dedicated UN agency, UNRWA who inherit that status.
I look forward to hearing you protest about Darfur, Syria, Yemen, Kurdistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, murdered Iranian women, the Yazidis and the 2m Afghan refugees deported by Pakistan.
Egypt occupied Gaza from 1948-67. Let Egypt and the Qataris feed them now. The Israeli tech magnate Eyal Waldman hired hundreds of West Bank and Gazan Arab developers to create jobs and hope. The payback: they murdered his daughter at the Nova Peace festival.