You're a citizen of wokerati Whataboutistan practicing the blood libel anti-semitism as defined by the IHRA:
Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis (in your case Franquistas)
Mussolini's ambassador in Madrid, his son in law, Count Ciano, reported in Oct 1940 that the Franco regime was executing 250 people/day in Madrid, Seville and Barcelona, 18 months after the civil war supposedly ended. Do the math: 250x3 cities x540 days = more people killed after the war than during it. At the Valle de los Caidos the Franquistas used to drive old trucks filled with slave laborer prisoners over cliffs. I see no parallel IDF practice, which has an entire unit dedicated to warning civilians their buildings are targets and uses roof knocks to warn them to get out before a bombing.
"Arabs contributed nothing": 340 years ago after the failed Ottoman siege of Vienna the teachers became students, which explains the Islamic phenomenon of suppressing disruptive innovators:
I suggest you read some of Bernard Lewis' books, like What Went Wrong: the Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East. It explain the futility of attempting modernization without westernization; why importing the tech hardware without importing and embedding the underlying socio-institutional software never works. Post 1945 Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Israel and most of post-Communist Eastern Europe have figured this out. The Muslim world hasn't.
It also explains why today's mullah/IRGC-ruled kleptocratic mafia with a flag Iran is the most secular country in the Middle East and why so many miss the Shah. I rooted for his overthrow in 1979, but saw immediately afterwards that would end just as badly as the Arab Spring has. Prosperity and good governance is impossible without secularization, the rule of law, limited state power. Read Why Nations Fail by Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson to get this point.
"US-backed tyrants": 40 years ago I worked as a volunteer at El Rescate in LA interviewing and interpreting for Central American refugees' political asylum applications at the Canadian consulate. And I'm quite aware of the CIA-sponsored other 9/11--in Chile, read Eduardo Galeano's Las Venas Abiertas de America Latina and while at UCLA married my Argentine girlfriend whose parents' door was opened by an axe-wielding death squad in 1979. That's why this article is deeply personal:
The US didn't support Franco. The Neutrality Act did by default, though not intention. FDR could not have supplied weapons to the Republic since Congress banned that. It was the UK sponsored non-intervention pact that kept France from supplying the Republic. I did my undergrad thesis on the Spanish Civil War and most of a PhD at UCLA, spending two years in Barcelona (1980-81 and 1986-87) on grants from the Del Amo Endowment, a foundation financing scholars from California to go to Spain. I interviewed many anarchosyndicalist veterans in exile in Montady, near Beziers and in Barcelona after they were free to return home in the early post-Franco period. I also spent years in archives in Madrid, Barcelona, Vich, Manresa, Igualada, Manlleu and other small Catalan towns you've never heard of and donated several hundreds books on the war to my alma mater Hampshire College.
So I expect my expertise on the Spanish Civil War logarithmically outranks yours.