Many thanks for your complimentary comment. But Thomas Piketty already wrote the book.
Prof G Scott Galloway's podcast is already saying essentially the same thing, that capitalism is sawing off the tree branch upon which it sits (a Hobsbawm quote), though not proposing a Gini coefficient indexed wealth tax as I do.
Ancient Athens proved that democracy can't survive concentrated economic power--oligarchy--a Greek-invented term. History will likely view the 21st century USA's metastasizing oligarchic kleptocracy similarly if its political pendulum doesn't snap back from rule by law to rule of law. Acemoglu and Robinson's Why Nations Fail tells us what to expect.
Try publishers? Turning 70 next month, I like the life I have playing basketball 5 days/week with teammates who call me grandpa, tennis 2-3x/week, working on my 5th and final latin language and walking on the beach in Porto to earn my croissants, gelado and hot chocolate.