Many thanks for reading and for your encouraging message.
Here's a message I sent to the founder of a startup hedge fund I consult for as an advisor:
"Personally, we're fine. Tennis and basketball 3 days/week each.
But when I see "gas the Jews" chanted in Sydney, Arabs marking houses where Jews live in France, a Jewish woman stabbed in Lyon, a Cornel Uni prof "exhilarated" by Hamas' mass murders on Oct 7, a Jew-hunting airport invasion pogrom in Dagestan, Russian apt owners saying on youtube they don't rent to Jews, Jewish students assaulted at dozens of US universities, I get mentally ill. It's a slow-motion global pogrom returning us to the world my grandparents fled from. So now every Jew can echo Golda Meir: "our secret weapon is we have nowhere else to go."
Only now the whole world is becoming Vinnitsya and Kishinev.
At least now Jews have a real army and a US ally....for now.