Let's review your fabrications and mythologized whitewashed history, which resembles a 1960s southern sheriff's claims that "our nigrahs got along just fine until all those yankee outside agitators (for you "Zionists") showed up."
1. The Ottoman vilayet's name for the land was not Palestine. The British victors of WWI debated what to call the territory, at first calling the Jewish national home West Palestine and East (of the Jordan) Palestine, until they arbitrarily, and in violation of the League of Nations mandate, lopped off 78% of the promised territory and gave it to the Arabian peninsula Hashemite family that still rules over this territory that is 65-70% Palestinian ("Jordan is Palestine, Palestine is Jordan"--King Hussein, 1981).
2. "Jerusalem and Hebron, were founded by Muslim Arabs during the Ottoman period." --Jerusalem and Hebron were cities for millenia before Islam existed. You might want to visit the tomb of the patriarchs to check. Or check out the menorah in Rome's 1900 year old Arch of Titus.
3. "Palestinians forced to flee their homes"--Jamal Husseini says no: "Regarding our withdrawals in Palestine. It appears that only one person was killed during the withdrawals, which took place when the situation was still satisfactory. The withdrawals were carried out pursuant to an order emanating from Amman. The withdrawal from Nazareth was ordered by Amman; the withdrawal from Safed was ordered by Amman; the withdrawal orders from Lydda and Ramle are well known to you. During none of these withdrawals did fighting take place. The regular armies did not enable the inhabitants of the country to defend themselves, but merely facilitated their escape from Palestine. All the orders emanated from one place."
The Arabs started a self-declared "war of extermination" (Azzam Pasha's words), lost and then declared themselves refugees and victims after defeat.
The Deir Yassin massacre that never was exemplifies the process:
"Hussein Khalidi, the senior Arab authority in 1948 Jerusalem, was of the opinion that, “We must make the most of this.” As his assistant Hazim Nusayba reported in a 1998 interview, Khalidi said “we should give this the utmost propaganda possible because the Arab countries apparently are not interested in assisting us and we are facing a catastrophe….So we are forced to give a picture — not what is actually happening — but we had to exaggerate.” Khalidi’s distortion of the facts failed to prevent catastrophe. Instead, it helped created one. “Dr. Khalidi was the one who caused the catastrophe,” one of the Arab survivors ruled. “Instead of working in our favor, the propaganda worked in favor of the Jews. Whole villages and towns fled because of what they heard had happened in Deir Yassin.” The Palestinian leadership intended to exploit the affair to lay pressure on the Arab states to send their armies to Palestine to fight the Jews. The plan boomeranged. Following the rule that women’s honor comes before land, the moment the Palestinians heard about rapes they started to leave.” https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/free-palestine-honor-killing-israel-ii-08154b77018a
“Israelis and Palestinians believe in two myths about the creation of the Palestinian refugee problem. The Israelis claim that the Palestinians followed their leaders’ exhortations to evacuate their homes temporarily and then return with the victorious Arab armies, but that is not what spurred Palestinians to leave. The Palestinians claim that the Israelis expelled them in 1948, but this was not what drove the departure. The true story of the 1948 Palestinian exodus was a flight mainly motivated by panic over a massacre that never happened.”
The 160000 Arabs who stayed became Israeli citizens with equal rights in the Middle East's only democracy.
"erase the history of the Palestinian"--It's Zuheir Mohsen, Yasser Arafat, Fathi Hamad and King Hussein who've said that the Palestinians as a nationality different from other Arabs don't exist apart from being invented for "tactical reasons" (Mohsen's words). I didn't know this until they gave me the idea.
"living in refugee camps"--Palestinians are the world's only hereditary refugees with their own hijacked UN agency. https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/free-palestine-honor-killing-israel-ii-08154b77018a
Ernest Bevin said this in 1947 when handing over the Palestine problem to the UN:
“For the Jews the essential point of principle is the creation of a sovereign Jewish State. For the Arabs, the essential point of principle is to resist to the last the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in any part of Palestine”
He's still right: in 1937, 1939 1945, 1947, 1967, 1979, 2000-01, 2008, 2014 the Palestinian Arabs were given a choice between statehood shared with Jews and no statehood for themselves. They chose the latter every time. Look in the mirror for the source of your misery, not to the Jews who were ready for two states for two peoples every one of those times.