Let's count the inaccuracies herein:
1. Nixon said in 1970: "we're all Keynesians now". When Nixon took the US off the gold standard in August 1971 it was a Keynesian measure. Keynes wanted Britain off the gold standard in the 1920s and 30s since he understood its deflationary impact.
2. "currency debasement": China is the world champion of big economy currency debasers. The chart is at minute 2:07 of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovvQdCmnCLo
Evergrande's and Country Garden's bankruptcies and debt defaults are symptomatic of a CCP-mafia with a flag kleptocracy that based its legitimacy on phony bubblicious growth that depended on real estate for 29% of its GDP. Now the Chinese economy is imploding like America's in 1929-33.
3. "The PRC....an economic backwater for the last two centuries"--The PRC was founded on October 1, 1949 after the CCP's victory in the civil war against the Kuomintang nationalists that began in the 1920s. Last I heard, Mao didn't live for 200+ years in order to starve 50m Chinese in his misguided Great Leap Forward.
4. "elevated nation-states from the yoke of American imperialism"--Ask Vietnam, Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia if they prefer the nearby or the distant bully's yoke. Vietnam is a strategic ally of the USA in all but name. How the genocidal Russian "Federation", the most misnamed political entity on the planet, preserves its anti-imperial credibility with Mr. Adeniran is a mystery. He needs to take Tim Snyder's Yale course, The Making of Modern Ukraine to exit such delusional ignorance about Russia's 3 1/2 century old Ukraine erasure project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJczLlwp-d8&list=PLh9mgdi4rNewfxO7LhBoz_1Mx1MaO6sw
5. "French overlords"--So Wagner and its atrocities represent liberation? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/31/world/africa/mali-wagner-civilian-killings.html
You can be sure that Wagner hasn't signed onto the Extractive Industries' Transparency Initiative: https://eiti.org/
6. Michael Burry: show me your index put options. If you look at Burry's 13-f filings, he still has plenty of stocks. Like any sensible investor, he hedges against black swans with put options. I periodically do the same.
7. "new world order...the sooner the American empire dies..."--The Dutch invented the modern world and its bond covenant rule of law driven fiscal military state, the English copied it and the Americans copied the copy. https://medium.com/illumination/how-the-dutch-invented-the-modern-world-895ae234fd44
Everyone else adapts or stays poor. Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea. Lula in Brazil knows it. That's why Brazil gets better economic performance than nearby Argentina. Same for Chile and Uruguay.
Never mind the delusion that Russia's and China's mafia with a flag kleptocracies represent "liberation". https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/know-your-russian-useful-idiot-genocide-apologists-a-and-b-800013dd4aed
That's about as credible as Japan's "Asia for Asians" propaganda that some Indonesians and Indians fell for before Japanese occupation starved 2m Indonesians to death.
8. How Russia's genocidal war against Ukraine and Muscovy's half millenium long expansion of 190+ indigenous peoples isn't a colonial enterprise every bit as noxious as the American conquest of its frontier is, of course, never explained.
This documentary of Russia's colonization of the Komi people is just one example of how Russia is nothing more than Muscovy's tool for genocidal Russification and kleptocratic resource-cursed commodity extraction, whether Tsarist, Bolshevik or Putinist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFXdEhQedOU