Let's change the names of the invader and invaded countries to understand what Dunn really means by surrender as a better option. Instead of Ukraine and Russia pose the same question for:
France, Belgium and the Netherlands vs Germany in 1941
The Philippines, Indochina, Indonesia vs Japan in 1942
China vs Japan in 1942
Britain vs Germany, early 1941
Belgium and Germany in 1915
Armenians vs Ottomans, 1915
East Timor and Indonesia in 1989
Mandela and apartheid South Africa in 1963
Warsaw Ghetto vs Germany, April 1943
Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary vs the USSR in 1981.
But the Baltic States did surrender, with a genocidal result: 15-25% of the population murdered in the Soviet gulag.
Ukraine vs the USSR, 1921. Result: genocidal Holodomor from 1929-33, 4 million deaths.
The North vs the South after the second Battle of Bull Run
The American rebels vs Britain after the Battle of Long Island, 1776.
In many of the foregoing cases surrender = extermination and/or erasure from the map.
I've written multiple articles about the utter fallacy of this Russian useful idiocy, directly descended from Lincoln Steffens ("I have seen the future and it works.") and more of Stalin's useful idiots (https://medium.com/illumination-curated/ukraines-citizen-vs-russia-s-serf-army-4f6177d5fe20).
For appeasers like Dunn even 300000 Ukrainian children deported by Russia and the ongoing Russification campaign to erase Ukrainian language and culture from occupied areas doesn't alter its imperviousness to all moral or geopolitical logic. Neither does Russia's:
* Use of penal battalions, use of antiquated T-62 tanks, * Use of washing machine chips in weapons
* And desperate recruitment of older and non-Russians at public events change his views on the military situation.
* HIMARs' hitting Russian ammo depots, the effects of which are openly cited in Russian social media.
* Putin announcing a pause, which would happen only due to lack of recruits or supplies.
Since Putin has said he's the second coming of Peter the Great, NATO expansion is just an excuse. The Russians have openly proclaimed their genocidal objective to erase Ukraine and its language and culture from the map in Ria Novosti. Lustration is Stalin-speak for purge. (https://www.memri.org/reports/russian-columnist-sergeytsev-ukranian-nazism-greater-threat-world-german-nazism):
“Russia will have no allies in the denazification of Ukraine. Since this is a purely Russian business….this will include, first and foremost, Western totalitarianism, the imposed programs of civilizational degradation and disintegration, the mechanisms of subjugation to the superpower of the West and the United States.
The West has betrayed its Christian origins and values for American capitalist mammon:
“In order to put the plan of denazification of Ukraine into practice, Russia itself will have to conclusively part with pro-European and pro-Western illusions, realize itself as the last resort for protecting and preserving those values of historical Europe (the Old World) that are appropriate and which the West ultimately abandoned…
You birthed Nazism, we saved you from it, and this is how you repay us?
“Russia did everything possible to save the West in the 20th century. It implemented the main Western project, an alternative to capitalism, an antidote to the nation-states — a socialist, red project. It crushed German Nazism, the monstrous spawn [created by] the crisis of Western civilization. The last act of Russian altruism was the outstretched hand of friendship from Russia, for which Russia received a monstrous blow in the 1990s.
Mother Russia is the jilted wife and savior of the West:
“Everything that Russia has done for the West, it has done at its own expense, by making the greatest sacrifices. The West ultimately dismissed all these sacrifices, deprecated Russia’s contribution to resolving the Western crisis, and decided to take revenge on Russia for the help that it unselfishly provided. Henceforth, Russia will go its own way, without concern for the fate of the West, relying on another part of its heritage — leadership in the global process of decolonization.
The EU is an imperialist opiate and Russia the protector of its eastern periphery:
“As part of this process, Russia has a high potential for partnerships and allied relations with countries that the West has oppressed for centuries and which are not going to assume its yoke again. Without Russian sacrifice and struggle, these countries would not have been liberated. The denazification of Ukraine is at the same time its decolonization, which the population of Ukraine will have to understand as it begins to free itself from the opiate, seduction and dependency on the so-called European choice.”
An empire-addicted Russia imagines by projection that a Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Albania aspiring to EU membership are colonies taking the opioid of “so-called European choice.” And Balkan EU members already drank the Koolaid. Since I’ve taught in business schools in Latvia, Romania and Poland, I can assure readers that I’ve verified empirically that they’re very happy with the taste of the Koolaid.
This fantasy-driven gap between imperial Russian geopolitical aspiration and self-image and real capacity only grows larger each day it wars against Ukraine. The grievance-driven nationalism that this gap produces threatens the freedom and stability of all the peoples on Russia’s periphery and threatens famine for African and Middle Eastern nations that depend on Ukrainian grain exports. Partisans of appeasing negotiation and ceasefire delude themselves into thinking that treating the symptom, war, can cure the underlying illness. A ceasefire without full Ukrainian territorial sovereignty will only postpone the inevitable renewal of war.
Here are two numbers that explain why Macron is wrong and why the shock of military humiliation is the only possible exit for Russia:
The probability that Russia will succeed through military means in shrinking this gap between ambition and capacity is very simple number: zero.
The probability that Russia will kick its empire habit without being completely defeated, as in Crimea in 1855, is the same number: zero.
The West must recognize that the ongoing process of empire dissolution that began in 1917 and was arrested by the formation of the genocidal Soviet empire in 1922–91, must continue until its logical terminus envisioned in the map above. Its natural end: Russia shrinks to the ethnic Russian Muscovite core from which it sprung five centuries ago. Nothing less will suffice.