Lavish? Really? My only cars are two 29" mountain bikes, 11 and 3 years old. Perhaps I could reduce my lavish lifestyle by trading them in for 26" bikes? What do you think?
We live on 2-3000.00/month in apts that are 50m2 and 35m2 in Latvia and Porto. My wife owns the first, which makes me a beachfront trophy husband. I guess that's a lavish lifestyle.
My 2x weekly Porto tennis lessons cost 75/month.
Basketball about 2-3 euros/game.
Swimming in the municipal pool: 3.00/visit.
I moor my childhood superyacht in the bathtub. Since it's over 60 years old, it needs a refit. That'll be a really lavish cost.
UNRWA is Hamas, Hamas is UNRWA:
Ismail Haniyeh's and Abu Marzouk's sons' favorite investments are race cars and diamonds:
Marzouk says all the aid is for the fighters. This is what he means.
anti-Hamas protests:
Whispered in Gaza: