Last I heard the Japan and South Korea that Biden just got into the same room to shake hands in alliance and defense coordination got there voluntarily. Nor are they dictatorial kleptocracies.
Not a single US military base is there without the agreement of the host country, with the exception of the failed civil war state of Syria. The Okinawans don't like the American base, but Tokyo does. Otherwise it would have been removed a long time ago.
In 1940 the US was, according to Jane's Defense Weekly, the 22nd military power in the world. Number 21 was Belgium. If you prefer to return to that world, be my guest.
In the Empire restaurant I'll order the American iPhone over the Chinese Blackberry and the Russian Nokia. None of the above isn't on the menu.
Niger has a choice between Wagner and France. Both are bad, but it's clear which is worse. Just ask Wagner's victims in the CAR.
Before, but especially after Citizens United, the American flawed democracy has the best elections money can buy with a serious structural defect in its small, white, rural state tilt. Ranked choice voting and are two long term remedies to the impossibillity of abolishing the electoral college.
I and my entire family are FDR Democrats. We have a photo of FDR signed by FDR. The Torah scroll our great uncle presented to FDR in 1936 is in Hyde Park. You might want to be more careful about who you label a Nazi (
That the US transitioned nearly instantaneously in 1945 from empire demolition to empire building is certainly true and detailed here: