Just one more Russian useful idiot who doesn't understand the neo-imperial Putinist delusions he's swallowed whole. This writer needs to watch the Netflix documentary Winter on Fire, whose participants would have been very surprised to learn they were freezing and dying for a coup.
This fantasy of America fighting a war against Russia to the last Ukrainian is this writer's ultimate insult to Ukrainian identity and intelligence. He denies Ukrainian agency, swallowing the Putinist nonsense that Ukrainians are just deluded Little Russians with no independent existence.
The Maidan Revolution wasn't a US orchestrated coup and the Ukrainian tech startup founder I know who organized 500 people in the territorial defense of a network of towns 9 km NW of Kyiv would be utterly insulted by this delusional fantasy.
Of course, the faux-peaceniks on the useful idiot left in the west ignore that the far right is more dangerous in Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, the US, Spain and Hungary than it is in Ukraine.
In 2021 Ukraine was rated more democratic than Mexico by Freedom House (61 and 60/100). Russia was rated 19/100.
America is more of an oligarchs' paradise than Ukraine.
Mr. Wight needs to learn the rules of Russian history: https://medium.com/the-history-inquiry/putins-history-lessons-d53248788d3d
Russia is a resource-cursed land-based colonial empire built on multiple genocides of its subjugated non-Russian periphery. From the 16th to the end of the 18th century it expanded at the rate of one Belgium per year, the fastest growing empire in human history. But its legacy empire building business model makes it the Blackberry of empires, destined for extinction and reduction to its former Muscovite core. The empire demolitino that started in the 1917 revolution and continued with the 1991 breakup of the USSR is only half done.
My Russian-Latvian wife, from whom I learned conversational Russian, agrees. So this view has nothing to do with Russophobia.