Jewish sovereignty isn't negotiable. The so-called "Palestinians", whose national identity was a tactical invention according to Arafat, his right hand man Zuheir Mohsen and King Hussein of Jordan, are hardly indigenous to the land.
This is Arab disinformation warfare myth you naively swallow:
"“Is it in any way just, that the Arabs, who have lived on this land uninterruptedly for 1300 years, and whose lives are rooted in its soil — should be dispossessed by force, should be pushed aside, and should be blackmailed to enable the Zionist Jews to fashion a Jewish National Home on this land. That‘s the problem…” (Jamal Husseini at the Round Table Conference, London, February 9, 1939)
"Palestine’s everybody from everywhere demographics
Asking the indigeneity question debunks Husseini’s claim to an Arab monopoly of it, and Jennings uncritically ingesting it, in this little speck of a corridor country between multiple giant empires (Egyptian, Hellenic, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Persian/Assyrian/Babylonian, Arabian). Here’s a brief sample of migration to Palestine from:
Egypt and Libya: “The French scholar, M. Sabry, whose sources were the archives in Cairo writes: “Abdullah, the Governor of Akko, encouraged the migration of fellaheen from Egypt and gave them shelter. Mohammed Ali, the ruler of Egypt, complained to the Porte (the Sultan), who replied that the immigrants were citizens of the Empire and were entitled to settle anywhere they pleased. In 1831, more than six thousand fellaheen crossed the Egyptian border, and Abdullah, in his bountiful mercy, refused to return them (to Egypt).” After he conquered Palestine, not only did Mohammed Ali refrain from sending back the draft evaders to Egypt, but he sent new settlers to consolidate his rule. The Egyptian settlers scattered to many urban and rural points, appropriated large tracts of land, and lent variety and numbers to the existing population.” (The Claim of Dispossesion, Arieh Avneri, 1984: page 13)
“According to the British Palestine Exploration Fund regional map of Jaffa, most of the city was made up of Egyptian-populated districts. “Saknet el-Mussariya,” “Saknet Abu Kebir,” “Saknet Hammad” and “Saknet Abu Derwish” were all settled by Egyptians who had accompanied the conquering army. Another district, “Saknet el-Abid,” was settled by freed slaves.” (Avneri, page 14)
“Philip Baldensperger states that in 1893 the inhabitants of many villages in the southern part of the country, like Zamuqa and Kubeiba, were of Egyptian origin; that they were unlike the other Arabs then resident in the country; that the fellaheen used to call them “Masserein” ; and that a Palestinian Arab would never give his daughter in marriage to an Egyptian, and would rarely take to wife a woman of Egyptian stock. The dwellers of the village Quttra in the southern part of the country (later the site of Gedera) were originally brought to Palestine from Libya. In a number of villages in Wadi ‘Ara — ‘Ara, ‘Ar‘ara and Kafer-Kara — and south of the triangle in the villages Kafer-Qasim, Taiyiba and Qalansawa, there are hundreds of families of Egyptian origin who accompanied the conquering forces of Ibrahim Pasha. According to the tradition among these people, their ancestors were the camel riders for the army of occupation and when the Khedive‘s troops left they remained and settled there. Similarly, in the cities of Samaria and Judea there are hundreds of families which, to this day, are named Masri. The origin of all of them is traceable to those who left Egypt at the time of Ibrahim Pasha.” (ibid)
Algeria: In 1856, the French permitted Abd el-Kader to leave Algeria, together with some followers. Some of them went to Syria and others to Palestine. The Algerian Arabs settled in several cities and founded about ten villages. These immigrants, who were called by the natives Mugrabis (Westerners), founded four villages in Lower Galilee — Shara, Ulam, Ma’ader and Kafer-Sabet….The elders of these villages continued to speak the Berber language up to the end of the nineteenth century.
Kurdistan: W.J. Masterman, an associate of the Palestine Exploration Fund, dated 1914, describes the Moslem population as being of mixed origin. One of the neighborhoods was called Hareth el-Karad, which denotes a population of Kurdish origin. (Avneri, page 17)
Mid 19th to early 20th century Arab society had a clear intra-Muslim racial pecking order, with blacks, often freed slaves, at the bottom, then Egyptians and Mugrabis (westerners) at the top:
“In the same report to the Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly, 1893, Baldensperger describes the Mugrabis of Jaffa, who had migrated to the country over the years. They tended to live near the mosques and were employed as watchmen in the citrus groves and in the fields. Some established themselves permanently. Most of them had passed through Jaffa on their way to Mecca and some Mugrabis intermarried with the local Moslems, something that the Egyptians and blacks had not succeeded in doing.” (Avneri, page 17)
The British and French mandatory authorities and foreign travelers confirm this picture."
Settler colonialist libel feeds Arabs' identity invention by negation of Jewish sovereignty
There is a deadly feedback loop between western useful idiots' indulgence of Arabs defining their identity as negation of Jewish sovereignty and the resulting disinformation warfare's false victimhood narrative that drives their endless War of Return. No such indulgence would arise if this War of Return were waged by:
Germans defeated in a genocidal war demanded a right of return to Konigsberg (Kaliningrad), Breslau (Wroclaw) and Danzig (Gdansk) while livestreaming mass murder, rape, torture and genital mutilation against Polish civilians.
Italians defeated in WWII demanded a right of return to Fiume (Rijeka) and Ragusa (Dubrovnik) while firing rockets into Slovenia and Croatia.
In denying the postwar Germans' and Italians' right of return but accepting the Arabs' preference for return over statehood - expressed eight times since 1937 - settler-colonialist libelists practice double standards anti-semitism, setting the bar for Jews' right to sovereignty far higher than any other nation's.
If you reject the defeated genocidal Germans' and Italians' right of return, but advocate for the Arabs' right of return, you are a double standards anti-semite, according to the definition of the IHRA:
"Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation."