Inebriation doesn't legalize rape or sexual assault. 100% of the responsibility for sexual assault lies with the perpetrator. Women are entitled to safely behave as erotically as they like without inviting sexual violence. Publicly sexy behavior--sexual energy--at a party does not equal consent to have sex with one (or more) particular men there. Women can legally give consent and then revoke it at any time. A drunken no is still no. A drunken yes that becomes a drunken no at the last minute is still a legally valid no. Your blue balls, and Peterson's "things that are very clear when sober, suddenly look and feel very different" have zero legal standing in this regard. Get over it.
Failure to recognize these simple legal and moral facts is misogyny. If you can't understand these simple concepts, go join the incel sex slavery army in Talibanistan.
And your comment addresses none of Peterson's misogynistic idiocy that I quoted.