In the West Bank and Gaza there has never been any equivalent to Peace Now, Break the Silence, the mass protests against Netanyahu's power grab and the Kibbutznik peace activists--the Palestinians' best allies brutally slaughtered by Hamas.
Nevertheless, a plurality of Israelis believe in a two state solution and think Ehud Olmert is right and that without a political horizon for the Palestinians, no military action can succeed on its own.
On the Palestinian side, the vast majority still dream of "from the river to the sea". Only 3% dissent. Here's the polling data and screenshots of the video interviews from Cory Gil-Shuster's The Ask Project:
When the vast majority of the people on the other side follow a jihadi religious mandate that defines your very existence in the land you live in as haram, essentially a Muslim version of prewar and wartime Japanese Bushido, you have no negotiation partner.
Xenophobic right wing anti-semitism doesn't dispute this because it's essentially a white Christian nationalist version of jihadism. It's leftie anti-semitism married to identity politics that buys into the whole Zionism is apartheid, racism, white settler colonialism. The tiki-torched and Jewish space laser fascist MTG variety is more obviously loony, seeks no mythologized pseudo-academic history to justify itself and easier to deal with.