If you exclude Jews but no other people from the nationhood and sovereignty club, you are a double standards anti-semite.
All current state borders are based on conquest. The Arabs arrived in Jerusalem in 637 CE, 1800 years after Jews. The land was called Judaea, land of the Jews. They're the real settler colonizers who wage an endless War of Return to restore Muslim supremacy status restoration--dhimmitude--to cancel Jewish sovereignty. This writer continually repeats the lie that Jews and Muslims lived in peace and harmony before all those nasty Zionists showed up. This long 13 century list of pogroms, massacres, forced conversions and expulsions proves otherwise: https://medium.com/@Ksantini/the-list-of-crimes-committed-by-muslims-against-jews-since-the-7th-century-0ff1a8eb0ad0
In the words of Maimonides, who is seen as the most successful synthesizer of medieval Judaism and the Islamic world, “God has entangled us with this people, the nation of Ishmael, who treat us so prejudicially and who legislate our harm and hatred…. No nation has ever arisen more harmful than they, nor has anyone done more to humiliate us, degrade us, and consolidate hatred against us.”
The myth that historians have propagated is that Jewish life under the Muslims was safer and more successful than the life of Jews in Christendom. Perhaps there is a kernel of truth in this proposition; “Golden Ages” in Baghdad, Andalusia, and the Ottoman Empire highlight periods of tolerance and the powerful status of court Jews.
Maimonides was a court physician under the Fatimids and Saladin’s Ayyubids in Old Cairo and was not the subject of persecution in this period of his life. But he would never forget the Berber Almohades and their invasion of southern Spain in 1145. Maimonides, then a boy, faced death under the Almohades if he did not embrace Islam. Not long after the invasion of the fanatics, the great philosopher and legal mind settled in North Africa. But it was controlled by the same Almohades Muslims, and it is likely that his family was forced to convert to Islam but practiced Judaism in secret.
This offers insights into Maimonides’s later responsa in which he was sympathetic to Jews forced to convert to Islam to rejoin the Jewish community. This was despite the rejection of rabbis in Fez who refused to take back into the Jewish fold those Jews who converted.
Maimonides had more to say about Jewish life under Islamic rule: “We bear the inhumane burden of their humiliation, lies and absurdities, being as the prophet said, ‘like a deaf man who does not hear or a dumb man who does not open his mouth’.... Our sages disciplined us to bear Ishmael’s lies and absurdities, listening in silence, and we have trained ourselves, old and young, to endure their humiliation, as Isaiah said, ‘I have given my back to the smiters, and my cheek to the beard pullers.’”
The institutional humiliation of Jews under Islam was enshrined in the Pact of Umar, dating back to the ninth century. The Muslims forbade Jews converting Muslims to Judaism, building new synagogues, making a display of their rituals, living in houses higher than those of Muslims, carrying weapons, and they were forbidden to ride horses. Jews under these dhimmi rules had to wear distinctive clothing and pay a substantial poll tax and a land tax.
While these restrictions were not always enforced - Samuel Hanagid, the Jewish Prime Minister of Berber Granada in the 11th century, obviously did not lead his Muslim troops into battle riding a donkey - the dhimmi rules of a dependent people were enforced for both Jew and Christian. Massacres of Jews were a reality in Muhammad’s lifetime, and the Arabs and Berbers carried out a pogrom against the Jewish Quarter of Granada in December 1066.
Treatment of Jews under Islam depended on the agenda of a particular caliph or sultan. Most of the time, the dhimmi rules were in full force. There were some exceptions. But we should not idealize Jewish life under the Muslims which, in some cases, was just as bad as life in Christian lands.
Maimonides’ harsh criticisms of Islamn quoted above are to be found in The Epistle to Yemen (1172).
The Muslims in Yemen forced the Jews to convert to Islam. This was compounded by a Jewish messianic pretender who arose, providing the Jewish community with false hope. In the words of Maimonides biographer Joel L. Kraemer: “The acerbity of Maimonides’ condemnation is startling, and historians have been puzzled by its bitterness. We have seen him living among Muslims, within the embrace of Islamic civilization, assimilating its cultural legacy.” However, the situation of forced conversion in Yemen must have brought back memories of the Almohades forced conversion in Muslim Spain that Maimonides had to endure.
There is no need to expunge from the historical record the cooperation between Muslims and Jews. The Golden Age of Andalusia was a reality and Jewish life was good. But apologists for Islam focus on the positive, and negate much that was negative for Jews living under Muslim authority. The dhimmi humiliation was in force most of the time and the Muslims despised Judaism as a false faith.
Once Jews sought independence and sovereignty in the Land of Israel in the modern period, a dependent people became an independent people. That was the end of Jewish life in Muslim lands. Maimonides’s harsh censure of Islam should come as no surprise for those who have studied the history of Jews under Islam since the epoch of Muhammad." https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Maimonides-on-Jewish-humiliation-under-Islamic-rule-622050
You never replied to Hamas' declaration of Islamic supremacy and to this evidence:
"The Jews of Yemen lived under Koranically mandated legal disabillities that made emigration to Israel imperative:
"Under the Zaydi rule, the Jews were considered to be impure and therefore forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim's food. They were obligated to humble themselves before a Muslim, to walk to the left side, and greet him first. They could not build houses higher than a Muslim's or ride a camel or horse, and when riding on a mule or a donkey, they had to sit sideways. Upon entering the Muslim quarter a Jew had to take off his foot-gear and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by youth, a Jew was not allowed to fight them. In such situations, he had the option of fleeing or seeking intervention by a merciful Muslim passerby.[67]"…In 1922, the government of Yemen, under Yahya Muhammad Hamid ed-Din, re-introduced an ancient Islamic law entitled the "orphans decree". The law dictated that if Jewish boys or girls under the age of 12 were orphaned, they were to be forcibly converted to Islam, their connections to their families and communities were to be severed, and they had to be handed over to Muslim foster families. The rule was based on the law that the prophet Muhammad is "the father of the orphans", and on the fact that the Jews in Yemen were considered "under protection", and the ruler was obligated to care for them.[79] The Jews tried to prevent the conversion of orphans in two main ways, which were by marrying them so the authorities would consider them as adults, or by smuggling them out of the country."
Few of Iran's Jews concluded the same before the overthrow of the Shah brought a rabidly anti-semitic Islamofascist theocracy to power.
As always, projection about apartheid is really a confession by the Muslims who accuse Israel of practicing what they've done as Koranically mandated for 1400 years. Jihadis rely on western useful idiots to cover up a simple fact: the legal subordination of non-Muslims (dhimmis) in the Muslim world is religiously mandated and should be taken literally as well as seriously. In the secular West we have a multi-culti driven block against taking literally Muslims motivated by Koranic mandates. Here's a Moroccan example of an execution for apostasy in 1834, painted in 1860:
"The compendium of anti-Semitic Muslim texts about Jews in Islamic Arab lands assembled by Andrew G. Bostom, a professor of medicine with a dark hobby, kicks off, unusually, with an explanation of the painting reproduced on the dust jacket. It is by Alfred Dehodencq, from 1860, and it portrays a group of Muslims, one of them brandishing a scimitar, handling roughly by her hair a kneeling dark-eyed damsel, her hands tied behind her back. The group, on a raised platform, is surrounded by an apparently enthusiastic mob. The scene is Fez, in Morocco, in 1834. The girl is named Sol Hachuel. She is seventeen years old, and she is about to be beheaded. She was accused of secretly adhering to her Jewish faith after converting to Islam - a charge tantamount to apostasy (still punishable by death in most Arab lands). Hachuel denied that she had ever converted. The governor of Tangier, Arbi Esudio, had accused her of "having provoked the anger of the Prophet." The Sultan agreed and pronounced the death sentence. She went bravely, reiterating her Jewishness and refusing to recant, with "Shema Yisrael," the Judaic profession of faith, on her lips."
Without removing those blinders you have no understanding of what's hiding in plain sight: this was a Koranically-mandated lynching, typical of Islam's 1400 years of theocratic apartheid in which secular state was an oxymoron .
"In the lands stretching from Persia to Spain and Morocco, Jews (and Christians) were always second-class subjects, humiliated and discriminated against, often oppressed and persecuted, sometimes forcibly converted or slaughtered. There are almost no substantial Jewish or Christian minorities (the Copts of Egypt and the Christians/ animists of southern Sudan are exceptions) left in the Arab world today; and the few remaining Christians in Iraq and Palestine are rapidly fleeing westward. (Note the recent murder of the Arab owner of a Christian bookshop in Gaza.). The story peddled by latter-day Arab propagandists (and reinforced by some Jewish scholars, who tended in decades past, sometimes for apologetic reasons of their own, to highlight the medieval "Golden Age" of Islamic Spanish Jewry) - that the Jewish minorities in the Muslim Arab countries before the advent of Zionism enjoyed a pleasant fraternal existence among the majority populations - has often been trotted out for the benefit of ignorant Westerners, to illustrate Muslim Arab tolerance of minorities and, politically, to promote plans for a multi-ethnic, one-state solution for Israel/ Palestine. It also has taken hold among Western intellectuals."
But they need only read the Quran to see how this is as much of a lie as white claims of southern racial harmony before all those "outside agitators" (read Zionists for Palestine) and the civil rights movement:
"the Qur'an designates the Jews a "base" people and "killers of prophets" (harking back to the Christian charge of Christ-killing). The full verse (2:61) reads: "Humiliation and wretchedness were stamped upon them, and they were visited with wrath from Allah. That was because they disbelieved in Allah's revelations and slew the prophets wrongfully." They are also said to be usurious. The full verse (4:160–161) reads: "And for the evildoing of the Jews … and for their taking usury … and for their consuming people's wealth under false pretenses we have prepared for the unbelievers among them [i.e., those not converted to Islam] a painful punishment." Elsewhere (5:63–64) the Qur'an states, "They hasten to spread corruption throughout the earth, but Allah does not love corrupters!" and instructs (5:51): "Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends." And it refers (5:60) to Allah's punitive transformation of the Jews into "apes and pigs" (the distant theological basis for Hamas's current designation of the Jews as "sons of apes and pigs").