If the evidence to support your argument doesn't exist, attack the messenger.
It's not me who said the Palestinians don't exist, but PLO commander Zuheir Mohsen, the Cairo born Yasser Arafat, King Hussein, and the Arab historian Philip K. Hitti, whose book I read in college. Throw in Hamas leader Fathi Hamad in 2012: "Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis"
"When Arab historian Philip K. Hitti informed the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that “there is no such thing as Palestine in history,” it was left to David Ben-Gurion to stress the central role of Palestine in Jewish, if not Arab, history. As late as May 1956, Ahmed Shukairy, subsequently head of the Palestine Liberation Organization, declared to the United Nations Security Council, “It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.” In view of this, I believe I may be forgiven if I took Arab spokesmen at their word.”
The Palestinians have a choice between:
1. An endless War of Return in pursuit of Muslim supremacist dhimmitude restoration, or
2. Sovereignty with recognition that Jewish sovereignty in their own state is forever. Acceptance of an update of the Camp David Clinton Parameters or a federation with the pre-existing Palestinian state of Jordan, as in 1948-67.
#2 means no reverse gear history, no do-overs, no right of return to Israel. Self-declared "wars of extermination"--to quote Arab League leader Azzam Pasha--have consequences, just as they did for East Prussian, Silesian and Sudeten Germans. Get over it. Choose getting a life and a future or jihadi delusions.
“why did the Arabs not set up a Palestine state in their portion instead of cannibalizing the country by Jordan’s seizure of the West Bank and Egypt’s capture of the Gaza Strip? And, since the question of the 1967 borders looms heavily in the present discussions, why did the Arabs converge upon us in June 1967, when the West Bank, the Golan Heights, the Sinai, the Gaza Strip and old Jerusalem were in their hands? These are not idle questions. They go to the heart of the matter — the Arab denial of Israel’s right to exist. This right is not subject to debate.” — Golda Meir, 1975