If it weren't for anti-semites we would have disappeared into assimilation in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Anti-Zionism is just the latest edition of the only hatred that is:
1. Planetary.
2. Is a conspiracy theory about how hidden power works in the world.
3. Doesn't require the presence of its target to grow (see The Jews in the Japanese Mind, 1995)
4. Is a shape-shifting planetary virus that attributes to Jews the evil a society is most obsessed with at the moment (Christ-killing, race pollution, capitalist exploitation, colonialism).
5. Is the canary in the coal mine of a society's political decay and susceptability to collapse.
2 state solution: The rivers of genocidal hatred found in Palestinian media at https://palwatch.org and https://memritv.org tell you the Arabs think of it in Arabic when they think we're not listening. They show why it's impossible as long as they keep fighting a delusional War of Return that pursues undoing 1948. Oct 7 was their MVP, their prototype:
Listen to Einat Wilf, co-author of The War of Return: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1ku4cE_e4U&t=2554s
Actually, emancipation of French Jews began before Napoleon: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/french-revolution