I'd like to arrange a time travel tour of modern history so Mr. Dunn could apply his de-escalation skill set to:
1. Nanjing, 1937-38.
2. Warsaw ghetto: April 1943
3. Warsaw, August to October 1944
4. Nat Turner's rebels vs slaveowners, 1831.
5. Gettysburg, 1863.
6. Rwanda, 1994
7. Sarajevo, 1992-95.
8. Budapest, 1956.
9. Prague, 1968
10. Chile, September 11, 1973.
11. Spain, 1936-39.
Civil wars and most geopolitical conflict between irreconcilable opposites aren't a therapy problem.
The narcissism and anti-intellectual contempt for knowledge with which Mr. Dunn tries to universalize his customer service skill set combines stunning hubris with the naivete typical of Russian useful idiots.
Welcome to the lefty version Lindbergh-land, 1940-41.
What they don't get: it's weakness, not strength, that provokes autocrats. As it has many times before, Russia will back down when defeated.
The Stalinette in elevator shoes folded, fled from his chef when challenged.
The West has crossed almost every imaginary red line Putin supposedly had with zero consequences.
Restraint in weapons supply hasn't prevented a single Russian war crime nor changed Russia's war aims: the genocidal erasure of Ukraine.
How to end the war with peace and not just a truce that prepares the next round? Defeat and de-imperialize Russia by rendering it incapable of and uninterested in empire.