I mean both, but used only the Catalan-French example. As with all nationalism, provincial Catalan nationalism has an undercurrent of racist xenophobia. I found the same idiotic hostility to outsiders in Mallorca, whose conservative Catholic population largely supported Franco in the Civil War. When I spoke my Barcelona accented Catalan they'd switch to Spanish. I'd lie and tell them I was American and spoke only Catalan and English; and they'd switch back, embarrassed.
I lived on c/General Mendoza in Vall d'Hebro in 1980-81 and on c/Verntallat in Gracia from 9/1986 to 2/1987.
I was interviewing Spanish Civil War veterans who'd been in the CNT and living in archives in the Biblioteca de Catalunya and La Casa de l'Ardiaca on research grants from the Del Amo Endowment.
Where did you live in Barcelona?